Page 3 - 15th july 2024
P. 3


          ST Engineering expands support                                        arrangement that strengthens our part-
                                                                                nership with Safran Aircraft Engines and
          for Safran Aircraft Engines                                           support for LEAP engines operators. We
                                                                                are well positioned to address the rising
                                                                                demand for quick-turn and performance
          ST Engineering enhances Safran support with LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B       restoration shop visits for LEAP engines,
          module repair offload agreement.                                      having made the investments in equip-
                                                                                ment such as shroud grinding machin-
            T Engineering announced that its   to develop our global capacities for   ery, and built up a strong team of skilled
          SCommercial Aerospace business has   LEAP MRO activities. The LEAP fleet   technicians. We will continue to ramp
          expanded support for Safran Aircraft   has experienced the fastest ramp-up   up our LEAP engine capabilities and
          Engines. This expansion involves a   in commercial aviation industry with   look forward to providing even greater
          two-year agreement with an option   a growing fleet of over 3,300 aircraft,   support to Safran Aircraft Engines and
          for extension. The agreement provides   which means that we will need to rely   airlines so that they can maximise their
          module repair offload support for the   on our valued MRO partners as part of   operations.”
          CFM LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B engines. Saf-  our growing network to keep providing   ST Engineering, as the first indepen-
          ran Aircraft Engines will offload module   our customers with the highest CFM   dent MRO provider in Asia, joined the
          repair work to ST Engineering under the   standards.”                 LEAP open MRO ecosystem under the
          agreement. This work includes the high-  Additionally, ST Engineering will en-  CFM Branded Service Agreement in
          pressure turbine (HPT) rotor assembly   hance its support for Safran Aircraft En-  2023. Additionally, Its Commercial
          and stage 2 HPT nozzle assembly of   gines in LEAP-1B engines maintenance   Aerospace business currently possesses
          the LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B engines. This   offload services. This reinforces their   LEAP-1B engine testing capabilities.
          collaboration addresses the increasing   collaboration beyond the module repair   Moreover, it is progressively expanding
          MRO demand for LEAP engines as op-  offload agreement. ST Engineering   its LEAP engine services at its Singapore
          erators ramp up their flying operations.   continues to provide ongoing offload   facility. This expansion aims to offer
          Additionally, ST Engineering’s offload   support for Safran Aircraft Engines.   the full suite of MRO services for both
          support enhances Safran Aircraft En-  Moreover, This includes maintenance   LEAP-1A and LEAP-1B engines. Specifi-
          gines’ MRO capacity and optimizes the   for the CFM56-5B, CFM56-7B, and LEAP-  cally, LEAP-1A engine testing is antici-
          turnaround time of engine shop visits   1A engines. Furthermore, This under-  pated to be operational by 3Q2024.
          for customers.                     scores the strong trust and partnership   The LEAP engine fleet has exceeded
           Nicolas Potier, VP Support & Ser-  between the two companies.        50 million engine flight hours recently,
          vices at Safran Aircraft Engines, said,   Tay Eng Guan, SVP/Head, Engine   with continued growth expected. This
          “Expanding our partnership with ST   Services at ST Engineering, said, “This   growth is supported by a robust backlog
          Engineering is part of our strategy   offload agreement is the latest win-win   of over 10,600 engines

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