Page 6 - 15th july 2024
P. 6


                                                                               under EASA aviation legislation by the
                                                                               LBA to the budget process, the first
                                                                               flight and the start of flight operations.
                                                                               We successfully started operations
                                                                               at Discover with wet lease flights for
                                                                               Air Dolomiti before we operated our
                                                                               inaugural flight as an airline to our first
                                                                               own destination in Mombasa. We then
                                                                               successively added further routes to our
                                                                               network, for which we as CAMO con-
                                                                               tracted maintenance providers. In the
                                                                               first six months, the CAMO expanded
                                                                               its capability list from A330-200 over
                                                                               A330-300 to A320 with the associ-
                                                                               ated regulatory audits. We successfully
                                                                               carried out an IOSA initial audit and
                                                                               accompanied the first C-Checks at LTP in
         Q - As an experienced aviation profes-  try to enhance their ability to execute   Manila. I think we started work very suc-
         sional, what strategies have you imple-  maintenance tasks efficiently as well   cessfully as a CAMO team at that time
         mented to optimize the quality, safety,   as effectively and furthermore have   and have continued to develop steadily.
         and efficiency of technical processes in   a better understanding of decisions   Even though the role of the NPCA is an
         aircraft maintenance?              being taken by the management. This   operational role in flight operations, it
         Ans - First of all, I would like to take   transparent and inclusive strategy not   manages the entire maintenance of its
         this opportunity to point out that I took   only ensures high operational standards   own fleet. I hope you will accept this
         over responsibility as Managing Direc-  but also aligns the entire organization   answer at this point.
         tor of RAS SAAR GmbH less than three   towards achieving its strategic objec-
         months ago. I think that in order to get   tives, thereby maintaining the highest   Q - What role does innovation play in
         an all-embracing picture and derive   levels of service quality and customer   your approach to solving challenges in
         changes and initiate the first steps, a   satisfaction                aircraft maintenance and repair?
         good leader must above all observe,                                   Ans: Aircraft maintenance is a complex
         talk to employees, listen and in particu-  Q - Could you provide an example of   and critical field, facing several chal-
         lar understand. I am currently still in the   a successful organizational change or   lenges that impact efficiency, safety,
         evaluation phase and am working on   improvement initiative you’ve led in   and cost-effectiveness. Some of the
         possible optimization strategies with   the aviation maintenance sector?  challenges are technological advance-
         my team. I would therefore like to take   Ans: As I have only been a member   ment, regulatory compliance, skill
         this opportunity to explain my under-  of the RAS for such a short time, I am   shortages, supply chain management,
         standing of what the optimization of   unfortunately not yet able to give an   environmental concerns, aging aircraft
         quality, safety and efficiency of techni-  example of how a change process has   fleets to name just a few. Innovation
         cal processes in aircraft maintenance   been led by me. These will come, but   plays a crucial role in overcoming these
         depends on.                        they still need to be specified. I think   challenges by introducing advanced
          I think optimizing technical processes   the best example of such a change   technologies and methodologies that
         in aircraft maintenance is driven by   process that I was able to accompany   enhance operational readiness, solve
         a commitment to continuous organ-  in a leadership role was during my   obsolescence issues, reduce mainte-
         isational learning and staff empower-  time as a Nominated Person Continu-  nance-related costs and strengthen sup-
         ment. The company needs to foster a   ing Airworthiness (NPCA) at Discover   ply chains. At the RAS Group, we need
         culture of an ability to ongoing change,   Airlines, where I helped set up the   to take a closer look at some innovative
         continuous education and training to   airline’s Continuing Airworthiness   solutions and evaluate how they can
         ensure that all team members and the   Management Organization (CAMO).   increase efficiency, improve quality and
         whole organisation stay abreast of the   Discover Airlines was founded as a new   reduce costs.
         latest industry advancements and best   airline within the Lufthansa Group with   Such innovative solutions could be
         practices. Transparency is a cornerstone   no organizational structure or shell   Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR &
         of my approach, ensuring that quality,   to fall back on. The entire operational   VR). AR and VR can be used for training
         compliance, safety, and strategic goals   and organizational structure had to be   maintenance personnel or providing
         are communicated and understood at   defined from scratch and integrated   real-time assistance during mainte-
         all levels.                        into the Lufthansa Group.          nance tasks. These tools can enhance
          By empowering staff with the techni-  All technical processes had to be   the learning experience, improve skill
         cal knowledge and tools they need but   designed, tested and established, from   levels, and ensure that complex proce-
         also on the strategic long-time goals, I   the selection of personnel and approval   dures are followed accurately. Another

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