Page 33 - 15th july 2024
P. 33


          Boeing enhances CH-47F Block II                                        Viva Kelly, U.S. Army Cargo Helicopters
                                                                                acting project manager, said, “As the
          for Army modernization                                                Army’s Heavy Lift platform of tomorrow,
                                                                                the CH-47F Block II provides increased
                                                                                capability while continuing support
          Boeing delivers CH-47F Block II Chinook enhances lift capacity and    of the Army’s requirement to remain
          operational efficiency for U.S. Army missions.                        strategically responsive across the full
                                                                                spectrum of operations.”
             oeing has delivered the first CH-  said, “The CH-47F Block II provides   Boeing, a prominent aerospace firm
          B47F Block II Chinook as part of on-  capability improvements allowing the   on the global stage, engages in the
          going U.S. Army modernization efforts.   U.S. Army to lift more, fly farther and   development, manufacturing, and
          The new configuration incorporates   maintain their aircraft better than ever   servicing of commercial airplanes,
          enhancements to the drivetrain, air-  before. This modernization program   defense products, and space systems
          frame reinforcement, and fuel system.   enables the battle-tested Chinook to   across over 150 countries. Boeing,
          As a result, it enables an increased   play a key role in multi-domain opera-  recognized as a leading U.S. exporter,
          maximum gross weight of 4,000      tions going forward.”              leverages a diverse global supplier
          pounds and extends the mission radius   Furthermore, Boeing’s Block II pro-  network to foster economic growth,
          for various payloads. These upgrades   gram enhances aircraft sustainment.   sustainability, and community wel-
          position the aircraft for long-term   Additionally, the upgraded rotor system   fare. Moreover, the company’s diverse
          modernization and sustainment, while   enhances reliability, minimizing un-  workforce is committed to pioneering
          also accommodating future technol-  scheduled maintenance. Additionally,   innovations while prioritizing sus-
          ogy advancements.                  the simplified fuel system improves ef-  tainability and upholding a corporate
           Heather McBryan, vice president and   ficiency, reducing maintenance burden   culture rooted in core values of safety,
          program manager, Cargo Programs,   and overall costs.                 quality, and integrity

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