Page 29 - 15th july 2024
P. 29


         Icelandair and CAE partner                                             ics, serving as a crucial training tool for
                                                                                pilots. Moreover, this ensures thorough
                                                                                preparation for safe and efficient opera-
         for advanced flight training                                           tion of the new aircraft.
                                                                                 Michel Azar-Hmouda, CAE’s Division
                                                                                President, Commercial Aviation, said,
         New Airbus A320 Full-Flight Simulator to enhance training for          “The acquisition of this Airbus A320-
         Icelandair’s A321 fleet entry.                                         family full-flight simulator is a sig-
                                                                                nificant milestone in our partnership
           celandair and CAE have announced an   ing in Iceland, giving us the flexibility   with Icelandair, and we look forward
         Iagreement to acquire a state-of-the-art   and agility needed to expand our route   to supporting their pilot training in
         Airbus A320-family full-flight simulator   network, introduce new destinations,   anticipation of the arrival of the A321
         (FFS). The new FFS, supporting Icelan-  and grow our pilot group accordingly.   into their fleet. The advanced technol-
         dair’s Airbus A321 fleet in 2025, will be   As an island nation, Iceland heavily   ogy in this new FFS will give pilots
         installed at CAE Reykjavík – Icelandair   relies on air transport and as the leading  the skill and confidence to safely fly
         Flight Training Centre. Moreover, it is   airline, we recognize the importance of   the A321 and provide the customer
         scheduled to be operational by the end   having such facilities within the country,  experience for which Icelandair is also
         of 2025.                            ensuring top-notch training opportuni-  renowned.”
           Sylvia Kristin Olafsdottir, COO of   ties for pilots.”                The FFS will serve for initial train-
         Icelandair, said, “We are thrilled to an-  The latest generation FFS replicates   ing and type rating, and additionally,
         nounce our new contract with CAE and   Airbus A320 flight characteristics and   for twice-annual recurrent training for
         to continue fostering our fruitful part-  systems accurately. It features high-  pilots. Consequently, this ensures they
         nership. The new simulator will allow us   fidelity visuals, an immersive cockpit   maintain proficiency and stay current
         to continue providing world-class train-  environment, and realistic flight dynam-  with their skills and knowledge

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