Page 32 - 15th july 2024
P. 32


         Viasat expands Airbus

         partnership for C295

         SATCOM                  Viasat enhances Spanish C295 fleet with advanced
                                 Ku- and Ka-band satellite technology.

            iasat Inc., a global leader in satel-  to strengthen the Spanish military’s   trust and confidence in our ability to
         Vlite communications, announced an   capabilities with robust broadband SAT-  deliver enhanced mission connectivity
         expansion of its collaboration with Air-  COM, specifically supporting sovereign   solutions and to help global govern-
         bus Defence and Space. The company   national security missions. Additionally,   ment customers significantly improve
         will provide secure, flexible broadband   it will facilitate expanded applications   reliability and continuity across a range
         Ku- and Ka-band airborne technology   in command and control (C2) as well as   of operational environments.”
         for the Airbus C295 Maritime Patrol   intelligence, surveillance, and recon-  The Airbus C295 excels as a highly
         Aircraft (MPA). These aircraft have been   naissance (ISR).           reliable tactical airlifter known for its
         acquired by the Spanish Ministry of   Victor Farah, Senior Vice President,   versatile multirole and multi-mission
         Defence (MoD). Furthermore, Viasat and   Viasat Government, said, “We are ex-  capabilities. Currently, it is operational
         Airbus Defence and Space will collabo-  cited to expand our work with Airbus to   in 37 countries globally, reaching a
         rate on integrating Viasat’s dual-band   support the Spanish Ministry of Defence   milestone of 300 orders earlier this
         (Ku/Ka) broadband terminal, the GAT-  with our highly flexible, multi-band   year.
         5530, into the Spanish C295 MPA fleet.   terminal on the C295 Maritime Patrol   GAT-5530 enhances operational
         Moreover, This integration will provide a   Aircraft. Our connectivity solutions are   capability by supporting the entire ITU
         highly flexible, multi-band and multi-  designed to support modern military   Ku- and Ka-bands, including 3.5GHz
         orbit broadband SATCOM capability.   operation requirements with advanced,   of commercial and military Ka-band.
         Additionally, It will support missions   secure and resilient satellite com-  Furthermore, This versatile terminal
         utilizing the next-generation SpainSat   munications. This includes enabling   provides substantial operational flex-
         NG satellites, enhancing communication   seamless roaming between sovereign   ibility for the Spanish MoD and other
         capabilities.                      and commercial networks to provide   military clients. Additionally, It enables
          Viasat’s integrated GAT-5530 terminal   superior resilience beyond the capabili-  increased resilience through multi-fre-
         will provide secure and reliable satel-  ties of traditional single-band or single-  quency (Ku/Mil-Ka/Commercial-Ka) and
         lite connectivity to the Airbus C295   network access solutions. This selection   multi-orbit (GEO, MEO, HEO) communi-
         MPA aircraft. This enhancement aims   by the Spanish MoD underscores the   cation architectures

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