Page 36 - 15th july 2024
P. 36


                                               mirates Group Chairman and Chief   leading products and services, and
         Emirates                           EExecutive, His Highness Sheikh    reflect Dubai’s vision to be number one
                                            Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, has an-
                                                                               in everything we do.”
                                                                                Emirates has achieved recognition
         Group                              nounced recent senior appointments.   as a globally acclaimed
                                            These appointments aim to bolster
                                            the organization’s expansion efforts   airline, operating
         appoints                           and enhance its leadership capabili-  a network that
                                                                               encompasses over
                                            ties. The recent promotions and senior
         Ahmed Safa                         appointments feature 7 UAE nationals   150 destinations
                                            including ‘Ahmed Safa’ as Head of En-
                                                                               across six conti-
                                            gineering and MRO, several others have   nents. Boasting a
         as Head of                         advanced within the Emirates Group   fleet exceeding 270
                                                                               aircraft, Emirates
                                            across various roles. They play pivotal
         Engineering                        roles in driving the organization’s ongo-  holds the
                                            ing success.
                                              HH Sheikh Ahmed, said, “These ap-  of operat-
         and MRO                            pointments reflect the expanded scale,   ing the
                                            breadth, and ambition of our business.
                                            I’m heartened that we have been able   largest
         Emirates Group’s Ahmed Safa        to fill these roles with internal talent,   fleet of
         leads Engineering and MRO          including UAE nationals. The Emirates   Boeing
         efforts among recent UAE           Group will continue to invest in being   777s and
                                            an employer of choice for the best
         national appointments.
                                            talent in the industry, to deliver world-  A380s

         Christopher Jones appointed                                           teams and nurturing talent in aerospace
                                                                               careers. Having arrived in the USA in
         Head of ATR Americas                                                  1990 as a commercial apprentice with
                                                                               British Aerospace in Hatfield, England,
                                                                               he holds a degree in Business and
         Christopher Jones brings extensive Aviation sales expertise to ATR    Finance from the University of Hertford-
         Americas leadership.                                                  shire.
                                                                                In his roles as Head of Region Ameri-
            TR, the leading regional aircraft   this role, he oversaw sales and commer-  cas and Managing Director & President
         Amanufacturer globally, has ap-    cial strategy for major airlines in the re-  of ATR Americas, Inc., Christopher will
         pointed Christopher Jones as Head of   gion, handling aircraft like the A330neo,   play a crucial role in advancing ATR’s
         Region Americas, effective July 1, 2024.   A350, A321neo/LR/XLR, and A220. His   presence in the region, particularly in
         Additionally, he will serve as Managing   tenure at Airbus spanned two decades,   the US, and supporting the company’s
         Director & President of ATR Americas,   emphasizing extensive experience in   clientele
         Inc., starting August 1, 2024. In his new   aviation sales and strategy.
         position, Christopher Jones reports di-  During his tenure at Bombardier,
         rectly to Alexis Vidal, Senior Vice Presi-  Christopher directed North American
         dent Commercial, and will be based at   sales campaigns for the C-Series (A220).
         ATR’s facilities in Miami, Florida.  These efforts secured commitments
          Christopher brings over 30 years of   from JetBlue and Breeze, along with
         commercial aircraft sales experience,   additional sales of the CRJ-900 to
         having held senior roles at Airbus,   Delta Air Lines and American Airlines.
         Bombardier, and British Aerospace.   Additionally, his experience at British
         Previously, he served as Chief Com-  Aerospace and Bombardier has pro-
         mercial Officer at Aero Design Labs in   vided him with a deep understanding of
         Texas, where he led revenue growth and   the regional airline industry.
         secured a key partnership with Delta Air   Christopher has cultivated enduring
         Lines.                             relationships with airline customers,
          Before joining Aero Design Labs, Chris-  suppliers, lessors, and consultants, char-
         topher served as Senior Vice President   acterized by high integrity. Moreover,
         Customers for Airbus North America. In   he excels in building customer-centric

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