Page 35 - 15th july 2024
P. 35


          Aero secures                       The Authorization specifically covers the   accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel
                                             L-39NG aircraft intended for delivery to   Sándor Simon, Head of the Airworthiness
          authorization                      the Hungarian Air Force. Furthermore, it   Supervision Department, and Lieuten-
                                             formally acknowledges the competence
                                                                                ant Colonels Martin Fučík and Václav
                                             of Aero’s design, manufacturing, and   Svoboda from the Military Aviation
          for L-39NG                         repair organizations.              Supervision Department. Additionally,
                                                                                they toured Aero’s production halls and
                                              Colonel Alexandra Tóth Halászná, Di-
          Aircraft                           rector of the Military Aviation Authority   development hangar, observing L-39NG
                                                                                aircraft being produced and prepared for
                                             of the Republic of Hungary, personally
                                             handed over the official certificate. Petr   flight testing.
          delivery                           Jinda, Executive Vice President & Chief   Hungary’s Military Aviation Authority,
                                                                                 Colonel Alexandra Tóth Halászné, of
                                             Development Officer at Aero, received
                                             the authorization to develop, manufac-  highlighted Aero’s expertise in manu-
          Aero receives authorization        ture, maintain, and conduct repairs from   facturing jet trainers. She underscored
          for L-39NG aircraft delivery       her hands.                         Aero’s legacy in the field during her
                                                                                remarks. Moreover, She underscored the
                                              Petr Jinda, Executive Vice President
          to Hungarian Air Force,            & Chief Development Officer at Aero,   global acclaim of the L-39 Albatros and
          demonstrates competence in         said, “Obtaining this certificate is a key   its modern successor, the L-39NG. Fur-
          design and production.             step for us and a confirmation of our   thermore, The company stated the audit
                                             quality and credibility. We are ready to   confirmed Aero’s compliance with all
             ero, the largest aerospace manu-  fully support the Hungarian Air Force in   authorization requirements, recognizing
          Afacturer in the Czech Republic, has   the certification process of the L-39NG.  its design and production capabilities.
          obtained official Authorization. This   T1 version and in the development of   Moreover, This comprises eight trainer
          allows them to develop, manufacture,   further mutual cooperation.”   versions and four for reconnaissance,
          maintain, and repair Hungarian state-  Colonel Alexandra Tóth Halászné   plus a ground simulation system and
          registered aircraft, parts, and equipment.   visited Aero Vodochody. She was   support services

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