Page 18 - mro-business-today-01-07-2024
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                                                                               like the flight data recorder, electri-
                                                                               cal units, probes and tubes, antennas,
                                                                               transmitters, gauges, control panels,
                                                                               crew seats, and cockpit doors, are to
                                                                               be removed as part of line-replace-
                                                                               able units (LRUs).
                                                                                The landing gears and wheels are the
                                                                               last few components to be removed
                                                                               – all parts are harvested from the
                                                                               airframe. Typically, a teardown process
       Image Courtesy : shop                                          on the aircraft size.
                                                                               can take up to 3 to 5 weeks depending

                                                                               Post Teardown
                                                                                As if the teardown process is not
                                                                               tedious enough, parts harvested need
                                                                               to be packaged, and re-certified accord-
         Consignment Partner                 Some, of the waste can be salvaged   ing to client specifications, or as per
          Services through a consignment part-  with proper recycling, and thus can offer   aftermarket parts market demands. A
         ner may include aircraft teardown, lo-  some value. An aircraft is a highly com-  typical aircraft can be dismantled into
         gistics for moving parts and/or aircraft,   plex machine, made of many advanced   1,500 to 2,000 parts- both large and
         warehouse storage, repair management,   materials and alloys. The technology   smaller parts.
         marketing, sales, and shipping.    used for disassembly and dismantling
          Most aircraft teardowns take approxi-  uses advanced technology to be able to   Challenges
         mately 3 to 6 weeks (depending on the   carefully extract intricate materials and   If the aircraft is inoperable or cannot
         aircraft size).                    composites.                        be transported to a disassembly facility,
                                             The aircraft that is scheduled for tear-  a teardown partner can travel to the
         The Importance of Location for Aircraft   down flies to its destination, and the   aircraft’s location.
         Teardown                           first steps include covering all engine
          The convenience of location for an air-  inlets, exhausts, ports, and the Auxiliary   Regional/Corporate Jets
         craft teardown is important to consider.   Power Unit (APUs).          Retiring a regional or corporate jet
         A teardown facility that is close makes   Any logos and markings on the livery   can present challenges for operators
         it easy for an aircraft to be delivered   are painted over. The removal of parts   who want to make the most of their
         for disassembly, and for the harvested   is done in accordance with what is   investment. even retired aircraft can
         parts to be shipped back.  The time   agreed with the owner/ operator. This   provide revenue in the parts market.
         taken for a teardown process can be   is followed by cleaning and meticu-  Parts harvested from an aircraft tear-
         greatly shortened on account of the   lous packaging of the parts, which are   down are then a source of revenue, and
         location.                          tagged and signed.                 importantly offer a sustainable solution
         Teardown Process Step by Step       Every part needs to be recorded in   to parts supply by going easy on the
         The stages of an aircraft teardown pro-  an inventory list. Other stages include   environment.
         cess include:                      the removal of the engines and APU,
         Ó  Draining service fluids, such as fuel   the hull is disassembled for disposal,   Some Established Players in the
           and water                        and so is left over hydraulic fluids, fuel,   Business
         Ó  Dismantling liquid parts from the   and hazardous materials. Then there   Ó  CAVU Aerospace
           wings, empennage, and fuselage   are myriads of components that need   Ó  AerSale
         Ó  Disconnecting landing gear      to be taken off. Disassembled. In fact, a   Ó  Gibbs Scrap
         Ó  Removing the cabin              typical airliner can be dismantled into   Ó  HVF and Affiliates
         Ó   Packing removed parts for dispatch   1,500 to 2,000 parts!        Ó  Universal Recycling
           to repair shops for recertification  The parts of an aircraft that that are   Ó  Aircraft End-of-Life Solutions (AELS)
         Ó  Recycling the remaining body    easily accessible, are removed first
                                            – these are avionics (flight deck and   Conclusion
          The aircraft teardown/disassembly   avionics bay) and safety equipment   An aircraft teardown is a complex
         sector has its focus on going about   (slides, rafts, lights). Next are the   process requiring focussed planning,
         conducting its business with a minimal   control surfaces. The removal of flaps   top notch expertise, and adherence to
         negative impact on the environment.   makes way for the removal of the   safety and environmental concerns. It
         This is true especially while dealing   hydraulic, air conditioning, and brake   covers the aviation industry’s sustain-
         with dispensing hazardous materials   systems. Once done, it is the turn to   ability efforts and the efficient manage-
         during a teardown or disassembly.   remove smaller components. Items   ment of aircraft assets

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