Page 17 - mro-business-today-01-07-2024
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                                             practices, based on which development   Buyers review a comprehensive list   Image Courtesy : C & L Aviation Group
                                             / modifications of newer technology   (of aircraft and engines), make offers to
                                             with improvements can take place, for   book, and pre-buy the material before a
                                             safe and reliable operations.      teardown commences. Aircraft docu-
                                                                                ments are carefully scrutinised, parts
                                              In today’s day and age, driving sustain-  are identified for selection, and making
                                             able practices recycling, repurposing,   an offer for the listed items. These may
                                             and reusing after repairs, has assumed   include those not on the harvest list.
                                             even greater significance. Materi-  Not 100% of all parts (repairable)
                                             als, such as aluminium, titanium, and   that are harvested from aircraft facing
                                             composites, can be upcycled for reuse   a teardown, get sold. The numbers can
                                             in other industries, thus reducing waste   run up to thousands.
                                             and environmental impact.
                                                                                Value of Engines at the Aircraft Tear-
                                              When buyers for an aircraft are hard   down Stage
                                             to come by, parting out the aircraft is   Engines are one of the first parts to be
                                             a practical solution. While selling a   removed from the aircraft and are the
                                             retired aircraft may be faster, the return   highest-valued parts on the aircraft.
                                             on harvested spare parts may be higher,   Engines can be sold as a whole, leased,
                                             at times.                          or torn down further for engine part
                                              An aircraft teardown business is a   spares, that other engine shops may
                                             long-term investment (generally 3 to 5   use. Engines disassembly not only
                                             years), and the upfront costs are in cer-  requires highly skilled technicians but
          due to being withdrawn permanently   tification, freight, and storage. A robust   also requires proper tooling and spe-
          from service or operations. Here, the   aftermarket parts market supports such   cialized shipping containers that offer
          aircraft is dismantled in parts.   a business, additionally, these parts   protection from damage. And finally,
            Parts of an older model may still be   may support one’s valuable spare parts   having to depend on highly reliable
          reused, and as such have value in the   inventory. There are also the earnings   logistics partners.
          aftermarket parts market. The teardown   that may come from selling parts to
          business hence can be lucrative. Again,   other operators in a batch.    Disassembly Partner
          a teardown allows a closer inspection or   A teardown business also sells com-  A careful study of reviews and refer-
          a deeper understanding of the various   ponents from retired aircraft or engines   ences of potential aircraft teardown
          components and their condition and   that are being harvested, and preselling   partners is very important. Testaments
          performance, such as the engine, avion-  those specific materials before the com-  of their past work, their ability to travel
          ics, landing gear, and more. Also, useful   mencement of the dismantling process   anywhere in the world, to perform
          in identifying any potential issues.   ever begins. Teardown companies then   a teardown, with an adequate sales
            Teardowns allow research on aircraft   go about identifying buyers for each   network for selling off parts quickly, are
          design, performance, and maintenance   part harvested.                crucial parameters to consider.

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