Page 12 - mro-business-today-01-07-2024
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                                                                              TP Aerospace

                                                                              signs new


                                                                              with Croatia


                                                                              After 5 years of successful A320
                                                                              wheel & brake maintenance
                                                                              through a CFR agreement, TP
         Sharp Airlines partnered                                             Aerospace won a tender for A220

                                                                              wheel maintenance for Croatia
         with Veryon for the                                                  Airlines’ fleet.

                                                                                 P Aerospace has entered into a new
         Aircraft Management                                                  TMRO Service Agreement with Croatia
                                                                              Airlines, a prominent Star Alliance
                                                                              member, to support their Airbus A220
         Sharp Airlines partnered with Veryon for aircraft management,        platform.  TP Aerospace will undertake
         streamlining operations with Veryon Tracking, and enhancing          MRO services specifically tailored to
         efficiency across its fleet of 20 planes.                            meet Croatia Airlines’ A220 wheel main-
                                                                              tenance needs.  The MRO Service Agree-
            harp Airlines, an Australian re-  interface, coupled with mobile ap-  ment on A220 wheels is planned to start
         Sgional operator, chose Veryon to   plication capabilities, enhances user   in the beginning of July2024. These
         manage its airworthiness, flight op-  accessibility, facilitating anytime,   services will primarily be conducted at
         erations, and maintenance. Veryon’s   anywhere functionality.        TP Aerospace’s state-of-the-art facility
         solutions enhance their operational   Norman Happ, Chief Executive   located in Brno, Czech Republic.
         oversight. Using Veryon Tracking,   Officer of Veryon said, “At Veryon,   Tomislav Imprić, Technical Director at
         Sharp Airlines streamlines mainte-  we’re honored to collaborate with   Croatia Airlines said, “Croatia Airlines is
         nance, inventory, and flight opera-  Sharp Airlines, marking the begin-  happy to announce the widening of our
         tions for its fleet of approximately   ning of a partnership focused on   cooperation with TP Aerospace. After 5
         20 aircraft. This comprehensive   innovation and customer-centric    years of successful A320 wheel & brake
         platform enhances fleet manage-  solutions, Together, we’re positioned   maintenance through a CFR agreement,
         ment efficiency.                to revolutionize the aviation indus-  they won a tender for A220 wheel main-
          Alistair Dorward, Chief Executive   try, enabling operators like Sharp to   tenance for Croatia Airlines’ fleet.”
         Officer of Sharp Airlines shared,   streamline operations and achieve   TP Aerospace is the leading aftermarket
         “We opted for Veryon because they   unparalleled success.”           supplier of wheels and brakes. it offers
         understand our need for flexibility,   Veryon Tracking+ is a comprehen-  all commercial, charter, and cargo opera-
         Their system is user-friendly, and   sive solution for commercial airlines,   tors a simple alternative to traditional
         we can customize it to suit our   MRO entities, rotary wing opera-   component management.
         specific requirements seamlessly.   tions, and military aviation. It is spe-  Tomislav Imprić the Technical Director
         It’s all about optimizing our opera-  cifically tailored to their needs. With   at Croatia Airlines said, “Croatia Airlines is
         tions, and Veryon comprehends   a global footprint, Honeywell’s sys-  looking forward to getting the same qual-
         that.”                          tem is adopted by over 150 aircraft   ity and service standard as we have on the
          Sharp Airlines upgraded to Veryon   operators and MROs. It manages   current A320 Agreement. That will help us
         Tracking+ to replace its obsolete sys-  over 2,000 airplanes and helicopters   with a smooth and safe start of operating
         tem, which hindered data capture.   across various sectors. Experience   the A220 as a new type of aircraft in Croa-
         The new system ensures a paperless,   unparalleled aircraft management   tia Airlines’ fleet. Croatia Airlines plans to
         integrated ecosystem, reducing data   capabilities with absolute visibility   perform fleet transition and become single
         inconsistencies and operational am-  and full command by scheduling a   type operator by 2027 with a fleet consist-
         biguities. The platform’s web-based   demo today                     ing of 15 A220 aircraft.”

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