Page 11 - mro-business-today-01-07-2024
P. 11


                                             ally in use for 22 hours a day, 7 days a   apart from take-off and landing, rarely
                                             week. This leaves a very short window   get the chance to sit down, so their
                                             for regular inspections and necessary   seats will get less wear than the passen-
                                             maintenance, and a rapidly increasing   gers’ ones. In a crew trainer, however,
                                             backlog if a problem is found.     different teams will be regularly up and
                                              Commercial aircraft have many differ-  down responding to whatever issue is
                                             ent flight patterns and resulting wear   thrown at them; the wear on seats will
                                             and tear issues. Short domestic flights   therefore be higher. The controls in a
                                             rack up a surprisingly large amount of   flight simulator are also likely to need
                                             wear and tear in comparison to long   regular replacement. They get much
                                             haul flights. For example, every day   more use than those on a larger aircraft,
                                             there are between 22 and 40 flights   as pilots will be using them all the time
                                             direct from London to Edinburgh with   to rehearse their reactions to emergen-
                                             an average flight time of 1 hour and 20   cies, quite likely with slightly sweaty
                                             minutes. Whilst those won’t all be the   palms as they encounter situations they
                                             same plane, that’s a lot of people shuf-  will hopefully never come across in
                                             fling in and out of seats, putting tray   real life! In contrast, especially on long
                                             tables up and down, sliding hand bag-  haul flights, the pilot will be able to use
                                             gage in and out of overhead lockers and   autopilot for lengthy stretches of the
                                             adjusting the air conditioning, so these   journey and remain hands off.
                                             are items which will need very regular   Flight simulators are complex ma-
                                             replacement. On long haul flights the   chines. The visual systems arguably
                                             seats will often be put up and reclined   require the most maintenance with
                                             back but, visits to the cloakroom aside,   cathode ray tubes, printed circuit
                                             the passenger will mostly stay seated.  boards (PCBs) and power supply units
                                              On an aircraft, some of the parts   getting a lot of punishment. Switches
                                             most frequently needing replacing are   can be used roughly in emergency situ-
          example, the Federal Aviation Admin-  wheels and brakes; the strain placed on   ations, fuses can blow with overuse and
          istration (FAA) requires commercial op-  them during take-off and landing is im-  the hydraulic systems which keep the
          erators to undertake an inspection after   mense. Batteries are another, and win-  simulator moving will be in constant
          every 50 hours and 100 hours of flight   dows and window frames need regular   use. In addition, users of flight simula-
          time. The 50-hour inspection covers   changing due to cracking and the wiring   tors get through quite a number of
          the exterior (wings, fuselage, tail and   round them becoming damaged. The   oxygen masks during emergency train-
          landing gear), the interior, the engine,   type of climate an aircraft flies through   ing due to rough handling and the sheer
          battery and landing gear system. The   can also make a difference to wear and   number of situations in which they are
          100 hour check is more comprehensive   tear. If a plane regularly gets iced up,   required to be utilised.
          and covers the overall aircraft struc-  propellers, engine fan blades and parts   Whether it’s an aircraft or a flight
          ture, engines, propellers, landing gear,   of the wings can become damaged.  simulator, time spent out of action due
          electronics and radio and navigation   Simulator training is used for both   to damaged or malfunctioning compo-
          system.                            pilots and cabin crew and will usually   nents is both time and money wasted;
           Such is the demand for flight simula-  involve emergency training. Cabin crew   this is where a reliable component sup-
          tion training that simulators are gener-  in an aircraft are constantly busy and,   plies specialist, like Artemis, is crucial

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