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Repair, reuse, recycle- the

         most commonly replaced

         aircraft components

         By Artemis Aerospace

                  ircraft need plenty of main-  considerable amount of wear and tear   types; cosmetic wear and tear, which
                  tenance, both routine and   which needs continual attention.  includes worn upholstery, broken
                  unexpected, to keep them   Flight simulators enable pilots to train   armrests and recliners, chips, stains and
                  in the air and ensure they   in every type of weather condition, for   spillages. It’s important to an airline’s
         Aare in peak flying condition;     every possible eventuality, over any   brand and reputation to present an
         lives depend on it. Flight simulators are   country and at any airport. The type   aircraft in the best possible state, but
         in demand around the clock to keep   of wear and tear which takes place on   issues like these aren’t necessarily es-
         pilots and cabin crew up to scratch   a simulator is very different to a real   sential to passenger safety. Then there
         with their training. Artemis Aerospace   aircraft, but the need to keep them fully   is operational wear and tear, such as
         looks at the components which are   operational is no less urgent.    worn tyres or brakes and malfunction-
         most regularly replaced in each and the   So which parts of an aeroplane need   ing navigational equipment, which is
         reasons why.                       the most regular updating? Do flight   absolutely crucial both for safety and
          Aircraft are heavy duty workhorses   simulators wear out the same parts just   compliance with rigorous regulations.
         and with airlines aiming for the mini-  as fast, or does the pattern of dilapida-  Aircraft are subject to stringent secu-
         mum amount of AOG time, there’s a   tion deviate? There are two distinct   rity inspections after every flight; for

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