Page 1 - mro-business-today-01-07-2024
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Air India launches new Three-Class A320neo   Pg06

                                                           Repair, reuse, recycle- the most commonly   Pg10
                                                           replaced aircraft components

                                                           From classroom to tarmac:
                                                           The role of hands-on training in aviation  Pg22

                                                                                           01  July 2024

          SR Technics Secures MRO                                               The five-year service promise we signed
                                                                                today confirms Skymark’s confidence
          Agreement for CFM56-7B Engines                                        in SR Technics’ ability and expertise to
                                                                                provide best-in- class MRO services for
                                                                                engine maintenance with the highest
          The agreement grants SR Technics exclusive rights to undertake        benchmarks in the industry.”
                                                                                 SR Technics is a renowned global
          maintenance operations on Skymark’s CFM56-7B, a high-                 leader in providing MRO services for
          performance turbofan engine.                                          the aviation industry. With a rich history
                                                                                spanning several decades, SR Technics
                                                                                has established itself as a trusted part-
                                                                                ner for airlines, aircraft operators, and
                                                                                leasing companies worldwide.
                                                                                 Noriyuki Masukawa, SKYMARK’s
                                                                                Managing Director and Executive Officer
                                                                                stated, “Skymark is pleased to continue
                                                                                our partnership with SR Technics for
                                                                                another five years. SR Technics has con-
                                                                                sistently provided high-quality engines
                                                                                through their exceptional expertise
                                                                                and pursuit of the highest standards of
                                                                                safety and quality in MRO services. With
           (L to R): Owen McClave - CEO of SR Technics, Manabu Motohashi - Senior Managing Director and
           Executive Officer, Noriyuki Masukawa - Managing Director and Executive Officer.  the continuation of our collaboration,
                                                                                we look forward to further enhancing
            R Technics, a prominent MRO      Safran Aircraft Engines. It is specifi-  quality and strengthening our rela-
          S(Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul)   cally designed for use on Boeing 737   tionship, contributing to the provision
          service provider, has formalized a five-  Next-Generation (NG) aircraft, including   of high-quality engines and the safe
          year General Terms of Agreement with   the popular B737-700, B737-800, and   operation of Skymark.”
          Skymark Airlines. This agreement grants   B737-900ER models.           For the past six years, SR Technics has
          SR Technics exclusive privileges to   Owen McClave, CEO of SR Technics   been entrusted with the maintenance of
          undertake maintenance operations on   stated, “We are proud that SR Technics   Skymark’s fleet comprising 29 B737-800
          Skymark’s CFM   56-7B engines.     service is entrusted to continue this   aircraft. This newly forged agreement
           The CFM56-7B is a high-performance   level of performance. SR Technics team   extends this collaborative association
          turbofan engine developed by CFM   is excited to further extend our exist-  until May 2029, reaffirming the endur-
          International, a joint venture be-  ing, very successful partnership and   ing partnership with Japan’s pioneering
          tween General Electric Company and   collaboration with the Skymark team.   low-cost carrier

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