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                                                Global Reach, Local Expertise:

                                                VP Anuraag Maahrotra

                                                on Continental

                                                Carriers’ Aviation


                                                Anuraag Maahrotra, Vice President – Aerospace at Continental
                                                Carriers In an exclusive interview with MRO Business Today.

                                                                Join us in the intriguing conversation as we delve
                                                                  into the Continental Carriers’s rich history,
                                                                   comprehensive service offerings, and strate-
                                                                    gic initiatives in the air freight and aviation
                                                                     logistics sectors. With a presence in over 60
                                                                      countries and a robust network of specialists,
                                                                       Continental Carriers has established itself
                                                                        as a leading player, providing innovative
                                                                        and time-critical solutions to a diverse
                                                                         clientele. From leveraging cutting-edge
                                                                          technology to ensuring seamless opera-
                                                                           tions, Maahrotra provides insights into
                                                                           how Continental Carriers consistently
                                                                            delivers excellence in service quality
                                                                            and customer satisfaction. READ ON…
                                                                             more in this Exclusive Interview with
                                                                             Anuraag Maahrotra, Vice President –
                                                                             Aerospace at Continental Carriers.

                                                                              Q - Can you provide a brief overview of
                                                                              Continental Carriers and its history in
                                                                              the air freight industry?
                                                                              Ans:- Continental has a rich history and
                                                                              heritage in providing International Air/
                                                                              Ocean  Export and Import services to cus-
                                                                             tomers and agents across the world. Our
                                                                             teams of dedicated Air /Ocean/ Customs
                                                                             professionals realize the time critical nature
                                                                            of goods moving through this channel and
                                                                            focus highly on providing the best level of
                                                                           service to all its customers. The Company has
                                                                           in its fold, over 295 highly skilled and expe-
                                                                           rienced professionals including ground opera-
                                                                           tions staff, documentation, customs clearance

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