Page 9 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 9


          MTU Aero                                                 Mufacturer, has unveiled significant advancements
                                                                        TU Aero Engines, Germany’s leading engine man-

          Engines                                                  through its participation in the Clean Sky 2 research
                                                                   program. Working alongside strategic partners GKN
                                                                   Aerospace Sweden and the German Aerospace Center
          progresses on                                            (DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt),
                                                                   MTU has focused on enhancing the low-pressure
                                                                   turbine (LPT) and high-pressure compressor (HPC) com-
          efficient turbine                                        ponents. These developments are expected to influ-
                                                                   ence the next generation of geared turbofan engines,
                                                                   marking a substantial leap towards cleaner and more
          and compressor                                           efficient aviation.
                                                                    “We focused on how our components work with
                                                                   their neighboring modules, and we especially want to
          technologies                                             optimize their interactions. In our collaboration with
                                                                   GKN and the DLR, we perfectly integrated the strengths
                                                                   of each partner: GKN’s competence with large struc-
          MTU Aero Engines, working alongside strategic            tural components and DLR’s experience in the area of
          partners GKN Aerospace Sweden and the German             testing, as well as MTU’s expertise with compressors,
                                                                   turbines, and systems,” said Dr. Claus Riegler, Senior
          Aerospace Center has focused on enhancing the LPT        Vice President Technology & Engineering Advanced
          and HPC components to influence the next generation      Programs, MTU Aero Engines in Munich.
          of geared turbofan engines.                               Specifically, MTU examined the inlet and exit case for

             AT THE

             HEART OF


             We care about the aeropsace engine
             industry and don’t believe in
             ‘one size fits all’ solutions


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