Page 6 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 6


         Shri Saket Chaturvedi,                                                MROs for receiving the major mainte-
                                                                               nance support. HAL has made a vision to
         CEO (MiG Complex)                                                     make India a Global MRO Hub offering
                                                                               complete range of services to customer
                                                                               airlines for Airframe MRO, Component
         Hindustan Aeronautics                                                 MRO and other specialized MRO ser-
                                                                               vices for which airlines are dependent
                                                                               on foreign MRO companies.
         Limited In an exclusive                                               establish a credible MRO hub in the
                                                                                We have carved out a phased plan to
                                                                               country. For achieving goals of our vi-
         interview with MRO                                                    sion, HAL has collaborated with Airbus
                                                                               to establish 6 yearly C Checks facility
                                                                               for Airbus 320 series of aircraft at HAL
         Business Today                                                        Nasik. We are targeting to achieve the
                                                                               DGCA and EASA certification for our
                                                                               facilities within next 2-3 years. Subse-
                                                                               quently the C Checks facility will be up
                                                                               graded to achieve structure repair and
                                            Q -  HAL has set its sight on building an   other major MRO requirements of the
                                            integrated MRO centre in India. How do   airlines/customers.  The existing vast
                                            you plan to achieve this target?   infrastructure, machineries and techni-
                                            Ans: As it is known that HAL is the   cal acumen of HAL will help to build a
                                            largest aviation design, manufacturing   strong MRO centre capable to provide
                                            and MRO support company for military   lower lead time and reduced cost to the
                                            aircraft in India. Major military plat-  customer airlines.
                                            forms are manufactured and supplied
                                            by HAL for which we are providing full   Q -  Currently the MRO work done in
                                            MRO support. However, MRO capability   India is very limited, mostly to
                                            for civil aircraft is available          airframe maintenance. Do you
                                             in the country with only                plan to eventually branch out
                                               some limited scope.                   your capabilities to component
                                                The country is                     and engine overhaul?
                                                  dependent upon                   Ans: This issue provides a good in-
                                                    the foreign                     sight into the existing MRO condi-
                                                      third party                   tions in the country. Today airlines
                                                                                    in India are able to receive or
                                                                                   perform only the airframe mainte-
                                                                                         nance for their fleet. More
                                                                                         than 80% of the major
                                                                                            maintenance work like
                                                                                            structure repair, MRO
                                                                                            of components, land-
                                                                                           ing gears and Engines
                                                                                       is being performed outside
                                                                                       the country. So as part of our
                                                                                        vision to provide full range
                                                                                        of maintenance services to
                                                                                        airlines we eventually seek
                                                                                        to establish the remaining
                                                                                        MRO capabilities like Land-
                                                                                        ing Gears MRO, component
                                                                                        MROs ( for Hydraulic, pneu-
                                                                                        matic & fuel, and Electrical
                                                                                        components), and Engine
                                                                                       MRO. We are targeting these
                                                                                      areas with a time frame of 4-5

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