Page 8 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 8


                                                                               tablish 70-80% the MRO facility within
                                                                               the country for their upcoming fleet.
                                                                               Accordingly, efforts should be made to
                                                                               include the provisions in the aircraft
                                                                               contract. Technology transfer for repair/
                                                                               MRO of key components should also be
                                                                               sought from the OEMs.
         is a considerable deficit in number of   establishment of appropriate MRO fa-  OEMs also need to come forward to
         passenger aircraft that India currently   cilities in the country at a greater pace   establish their authorized repair centers
         has to that it requires. As evident from   so that dependencies on foreign players   in India in collaboration with existing
         the recent orders placed by various   are reduced to minimum.         MRO players so that facilities can be
         airlines, India will be having a huge                                 established at a faster pace.
         number of fleet in next 4-5 years. Cur-  Q -  What according to you, can the Indian   Another important aspect which is
         rently Indian MROs are performing only   government and aviation stakeholders   sought by various MRO organizations
         15-20% of the work and rest of the   do to uplift the MRO sector in India?  for long is that the regulatory agency
         work is going outside the country as the   Ans: I think, there are three major stake-  DGCA to strike a parallel arrangement
         facilities for the work is not available in   holders which are having a greater role   with EASA/FAA so that DGCA certifica-
         the country. There are 3-4 key players   to uplift the MRO sector in India viz. (i)   tion is also honored by these global
         who are performing around 70% of the   Airlines (ii) OEMs and (iii) Govt of India.  agencies.  This will reduce long cycle
         workload which is largely for Airframe   Of recent Govt of India has taken con-  time involved in taking EASA/FAA ap-
         Maintenance.                       crete policy actions which have made   proval for existing DGCA certified MRO
          There exist strong entry barriers for   the environment very conducive for the   capabilities and boost the growth of
         component and Engine MRO which     MROs. Many policies are under consid-  MRO sector in India.
         includes (i) reluctance of OEMs to share   eration, which will further boost the
         technology transfer and (ii) capital   MRO ecosystem of the country.  Q - What advice will you give to young
         intensive nature of the sector.     Airlines are having a big role in de-  AME aspirants?
          The growth of the sector is strongly   veloping the MRO in the country. They   Ans: Aircraft and Human safety are the
         poised and hence there is a need for   should insist to the aircraft OEMs to es-  prominent priorities in the aviation sec-
                                                                               tor. As an aircraft engineer we should
                                                                               strive to inculcate the safety in our
                                                                               professional approach. Aviation safety
                                                                               heavily relies on maintenance work
                                                                               that AME performs and when it is not
                                                                               correctly done it may lead to significant
                                                                               accidents or incidents. Hence it is im-
                                                                               portant for the young AME to learn the
                                                                               best and safest maintenance practices.
                                                                               They should abreast themselves consis-
                                                                               tently with the latest manuals/bulletins,
                                                                               global standards, and guidelines.
                                                                                Following of ethical practices and
                                                                               code of conduct are becoming very im-
                                                                               portant for the young generation to en-
                                                                               able bright and sustained future. Their
                                                                               ethical behavior should result from
                                                                               their personal commitment to engage in
                                                                               ethical practices

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