Page 1 - mro-business-today-15-08-2024
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How BAA Training Uses Summer Weather      Pg22
                                                           to Train Safer Pilots

                                                           Locatory’s Strategic Solutions for Emerging
                                                           Markets Toma Matutyte on Surge in Aircraft   Pg26
                                                           Spare Parts Demand
                                                           Milestone and Helitak FT5000 Fire Tank Archives
                                                           FAA Certification                         Pg32

                                                                                           15  Aug 2024

                                                                                    ndia is on the brink of establish-
                                                                                    ing itself as a leading global hub
                                                                                    for Aircraft Maintenance, Repair,
                                                                                    and Overhaul (MRO) services. The
                                                                                Irecent order by domestic airlines
                                                                                for over 1,200 aircraft is expected to
                                                                                double the size of India’s MRO industry
                                                                                from $2 billion to $4 billion over the
                                                                                next seven years. With this significant
                                                                                growth, it is clear that India is not only
                                                                                aiming to serve the needs of Indian air-
                                                                                lines but also aiming to attract interna-
                                                                                tional carriers to use its MRO services.
                                                                                 The Indian proactive federal minister
                                                                                for Civil Aviation, Rammohan Naidu
                                                                                recently emphasized the government’s
                                                                                commitment to establishing India as a
                                                                                premier global MRO destination in the
                                                                                Indian parliament.
                                                                                 The Minister addressed concerns
                                                                                regarding the MRO industry’s integra-
                                                                                tion into global value chains, stating
                                                                                that efforts are actively underway to
         INDIA’S AIRCRAFT MRO                                                   align Indian MRO facilities with inter-
                                                                                national standards. “We are committed
         INDUSTRY TO REACH                                                      to ensuring that our MRO sector aligns
                                                                                with global practices, making India a
                                                                                preferred destination for international
         $4 BILLION BY 2031:                                                    airlines.”

                                                                                How the Nation is Set to Become a
         INDIA IS THE NEW                                                       Global MRO Powerhouse

                                                                                Strategic Developments in MRO
         GLOBAL MRO HUB                                                         Services
                                                                                 India is aiming to become a global
                                                                                aviation hub and this growth is fu-

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