Page 29 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 29


          BAE Systems to support Lockheed Martin in £147 million

          F-35 Lightning II fleet support contract with F-35 JPO

          Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems will provide air crew, ground crew and mission planning training, tech-
          nical and operational support; supply chain and maintenance capabilities.

                                                                                Lockheed Martin, whilst pursuing op-
                                                                                portunities to drive efficiency across
                                                                                the broader UK Combat Air Portfolio in
                                                                                which BAE Systems has involvement,”
                                                                                he further added.
                                                                                 The LANCE contract will introduce
                                                                                significant capability enhancements
                                                                                critical to the generation of Air Vehicle
                                                                                Availability. Adopting lessons from
                                                                                the previous two-year ‘Operate and
                                                                                Demonstrate’ phase contract, LANCE 23
                                                                                offers value for money while increas-
                                                                                ing the overall scope from the previous
                                                                                contract. With BAE Systems as the on-
                                                                                site lead, wider UK Combat Air portfolio
                                                                                synergies will be realized, and a culture
           The services and expertise being provided via the LANCE effort will be integral to the daily operations and   of Continuous Improvement will be
           readiness of the Lightning squadrons of the Royal Navy and RAF.
                                                                                 “The signature of the LANCE contract
            ockheed Martin and the F-35 Joint   integral to the daily operations and   is a significant milestone in the matu-
          LProgram Office (JPO) have signed   readiness of the Lightning squadrons   rity of the UK’s F-35 National Support
          a contract, named the Lightning Air   of the Royal Navy and RAF. We are   Solution and demonstrates confidence
          System National Capability Enterprise   proud to partner with BAE Systems and   in Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems’
          (LANCE) 23-27, to support the United   Lightning Team UK and look forward   ability to enable the nation’s critical
          Kingdom’s F-35 fleet. The contract,   to continuing support to the UK’s F-35   F-35 Freedom of Action capability and
          valued at approximately £147M, will   fleet.” Mark Perreault, Sustainment   deliver the necessary support to the UK
          enhance the availability and capability   Senior Program Manager, Lockheed   Warfighter. Adopting lessons from the
          of the UK F-35 fleet to conduct combat   Martin.                      previous two year ‘Operate and Demon-
          missions worldwide.                 The industry team worked closely   strate’ phase contract, LANCE 23 offers
           Under the LANCE 23-27 contract,   with the Lightning Delivery Team and   value for money, whilst also increasing
          BAE Systems will serve as the primary   the JPO to provide a contract that will   the overall scope from the previous
          subcontractor to Lockheed Martin. The   support the Lightning Force operations   contract and introducing significant
          joint industry team will provide air   and the increasing inventory of jets. The   capability enhancements critical to the
          crew, ground crew and mission planning   services and expertise being provided   generation of Air Vehicle Availability.
          training; technical and operational sup-  via the LANCE effort will be integral to   Additionally, BAES as the on-site lead
          port; IT support; supply chain manage-  the daily operations and readiness of   ensures that wider UK Combat Air port-
          ment and expertise; and maintenance   the Lightning squadrons of the Royal   folio synergies are realised, and drives
          capabilities. The capabilities being pro-  Navy and RAF.              a culture of Continuous Improvement,
          vided will not only expand maintenance   “We are really proud to be able to   marking out the MOD, US DoD and
          capacity but will also secure more than   build on and continue our successful   Industry as valued strategic partners.”
          140 UK jobs, mainly at RAF Marham,   delivery of support to the UK Light-  Air Cdre Phil Brooker, Head Lightning II
          with additional roles contracted within   ning Fleet alongside our industry   Delivery Team & Combat Air Principal
          the maintenance teams on site.     partners as part of Lightning Team   Engineer, DE&S.
           “The industry team worked closely   UK,” said Dave Leach, Head of UK F-35   Overall, the LANCE contract marks a
          with the Lightning Delivery Team and   Sustainment, BAE Systems Air Sec-  significant step forward in the UK’s F-35
          the JPO to provide a contract that will   tor. “We will support the continued   National Support Solution, with Lock-
          support the Lightning Force opera-  growth of the UK Lightning Force over   heed Martin and BAE Systems deliver-
          tions and the increasing inventory of   the coming years through the provi-  ing world-leading combat air platforms
          jets. The services and expertise being   sion of industry skills and expertise   and critical sustainment services for the
          provided via the LANCE effort will be   on the F-35, along with our partner   worldwide F-35 fleet

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