Page 26 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 26


                   Heart Aerospace partners with BAE Systems to

                                 develop electric plane battery

                 Heart Aerospace, a Swedish manufacturer of electric aircraft, will work with BAE Systems to
                                        create a battery system for its ES-30 model.

                       eart Aerospace, a Swedish manufacturer   ness’ cutting-edge location in Endicott, New York.
                   Hof electric aircraft, and BAE Systems, a   “BAE Systems’ extensive experience in devel-
                   major aerospace and defence firm, announced   oping batteries for heavy-duty ground applica-
                   a partnership to define the battery system for   tions, and their experience in developing safety
                   Heart’s ES-30 regional electric aircraft. It will be   critical control systems for aerospace, makes
                   the first battery of its kind to be incorporated   them an ideal partner in this important next step
                   into an electric conventional takeoff and landing   for the ES-30 and for the aviation industry,” said
                   (eCTOL) regional aircraft, enabling it to function   Sofia Graflund, chief operating officer at Heart
                   effectively with no emissions and little noise.   Aerospace. “We look forward to decarbonizing
                     “Our industry-leading solution builds on de-  air travel together,” she further added.
                   cades of expertise delivering technologies and   Four electric engines will power the ES-30
                   systems needed to progress sustainable trans-  aircraft, which can travel 200 kilometers on
                   portation,” said Ehtisham Siddiqui, vice president   electricity alone, 400 kilometers on an extended
                   and general manager of Controls and Avionics   reserve hybrid with 30 passengers, and 800 kilo-
                   Solutions at BAE Systems. “We are delighted to   meters with 25 passengers. As upcoming battery
                   collaborate with Heart Aerospace on the innova-  technology develops, the ES-30 will also have an
                   tive battery system for its electric airplane,” he   affordable and scalable upgrade route.
                   further added.                              The battery upgrade roadmap enables more us-
                     The initiative will make use of BAE Systems’   able energy to be produced at the same weight,
                   more than 25 years of experience with electri-  extending flight times and providing more route
                   fying big, heavy-duty industrial vehicles. Over   choices. Heart Aerospace has received 230
                   15,000 power and propulsion systems from the   orders for the ES-30 in total, along with 100 op-
                   business are currently in use all over the world.   tions and a statement of intent for an additional
                   The programme will be worked on at the busi-  108 aircraft

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