Page 25 - MRO Business Today 15th April 2023 Latest Issue
P. 25


          bution to climate change. According to   approved SAF blends today. Compatibil-  Industrial Research – Indian Institute
          the International Air Transport Associa-  ity with existing aircraft engines is one   of Petroleum is also a testament to
          tion (IATA), aviation accounts for around   of the reasons SAF is critical to helping   its commitment to finding innovative
          2% of global carbon emissions, and this   the aviation industry reach its goal to   solutions to the challenges posed by
          number is expected to rise in the com-  be net-zero by 2050, and collaborations   climate change.
          ing years as air travel continues to grow   like this encouraging greater adoption   The successful use of SAF on this long-
          in popularity.                     of SAF globally help bring us closer to   haul flight is a significant milestone for
           The use of SAF, like the one used by   this target. The GEnx is also up to 15%   Vistara, Boeing, and GE Aerospace, and
          Vistara, is seen as a key tool in the   more fuel-efficient than its predecessor,   it represents a major step forward in the
          aviation industry’s efforts to reduce   helping reduce fuel consumption and   aviation industry’s efforts to reduce its
          its carbon footprint. SAF is produced   CO2 emissions in flight in addition to   carbon footprint. As more airlines fol-
          from sustainable feedstocks such as   the benefits of SAF.”           low in Vistara’s footsteps and begin to
          agricultural waste, forestry residues,   Vistara’s commitment to sustain-  use SAF, we can hope to see a signifi-
          and municipal solid waste. Unlike   ability is not limited to the use of SAF.   cant reduction in the environmental
          conventional jet fuel, which is derived   The airline has also taken other steps   impact of air travel.
          from crude oil, SAF is renewable and   to reduce its environmental impact,   With the COP26 climate summit set to
          produces significantly fewer carbon   including investing in new, fuel-  take place later this year, the aviation
          emissions.                         efficient aircraft and implementing   industry’s commitment to reducing its
           Vikram Rai, Country Head for South   measures to reduce waste and improve   carbon emissions will be under scrutiny.
          Asia & Indonesia, GE Aerospace said,   energy efficiency across its opera-  But with innovative solutions like SAF,
          “GE Aerospace congratulates Vistara on   tions. The airline’s partnership with the   and the commitment of companies like
          this milestone. The GEnx engine, like all   TATA Aviation Sustainability Working   Vistara, the industry is moving in the
          GE Aerospace engines, can operate on   Group and the Council of Scientific and   right direction

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