Page 35 - mro-business-today-01-07-2024
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          IBS Software Appoints                                                 businesses, leading diverse teams,
                                                                                and managing all facets of enterprise
          Somit Goyal as the new CEO                                            software makes him exceptionally well-
                                                                                suited to lead IBS Software during this
                                                                                exciting phase of growth, IBS Software
                                                                                is at a pivotal point in its trajectory as
          Somit played a pivotal role in developing and implementing            we continue to innovate to better serve
          Microsoft’s Customer Success function, now integral to IBS Software’s   our customers. I am confident Somit will
          strategy for global expansion.                                        help unlock our full potential.”
                                                                                 Most recently, Somit served as
           BS Software, a global leader in SaaS   done electrical engineering from the In-  President and Chief Operating Officer at
          Isolutions for the travel industry glob-  dian Institute of Technology (IIT) in New   Pluralsight, a SaaS company, where he
          ally, has appointed Somit Goyal as its   Delhi, India and an MBA from INSEAD,   was responsible for managing product
          new Chief Executive Officer. Somit suc-  France. he will brings a wealth of expe-  development, engineering, and Go-To-
          ceeds Anand Krishnan, who has served   rience in the enterprise software sector,   Market strategies.
          as CEO since 2018. Somit Goyal has   having held leadership roles at globally   Somit Goyal, CEO of IBS Software, said,
                                             renowned companies such as Microsoft,   “With a broad portfolio of industry-
                                             SAP, Oracle, and AOL.              leading products, marquee customers,
                                              During his 11-year tenure at Microsoft,   and a talented team, with deep domain
                                             Somit held various leadership positions   expertise IBS Software stands at the
                                             encompassing strategy, operations,   forefront of travel industry innovation.
                                             sales, and customer success. His final   I couldn’t be more excited to join IBS
                                             role involved overseeing global sales   Software and help lead it through its
                                             for Microsoft’s Modern Work cloud   next exciting chapter.”
                                             business, preceded by serving as Chief   With a comprehensive portfolio
                                             Operating Officer for Microsoft’s Public   of modular, cloud-based solutions
                                             Sector business worldwide. Somit was   purpose-built for the travel industry,
                                             instrumental in conceptualizing and es-  IBS Software helps travel companies ac-
                                             tablishing Microsoft’s Customer Success   celerate innovation and drive efficiency
                                             function, which has become increas-  across a broad set of core business
                                             ingly critical for IBS Software’s global   processes, including passenger services,
                                             expansion strategy.                flight operations, cargo and logistics,
                                              V K Mathews, Executive Chairman of   loyalty management, cruise operations,
                                             IBS Software said,“Somit’s impressive   energy & resource logistics, and hospi-
                                             experience in operating global SaaS   tality businesses

          Anna Wijkander appointed                                              experience from her tenure at Ericsson.
                                                                                She will officially assume her new role
          as the new CFO of Saab                                                on 9 September 2024.
                                                                                 Saab’s President and CEO Micael Jo-
                                                                                hansson said, “Anna Wijkander has solid
                                 Anna Wijkander has been with Saab since        experience and the right skill set. I am
                                                                                confident that she will do a great job in
                                 2015 and brings extensive managerial finance   supporting our growth journey and con-
                                 experience from her tenure at Ericsson.        tinuing to develop our financial function.”
                                                                                 Saab is a leading defense and security
                                               aab has appointed Anna Wijkander,   company with an enduring mission, to
                                             Spresently serving as Deputy CFO   help nations keep their people and so-
                                             and Head of Corporate Control, as the   ciety safe. Empowered by its 22,000 tal-
                                             new CFO and member of Saab’s Group   ented people, Saab constantly pushes
                                             Management. This decision follows the   the boundaries of technology to create
                                             announcement on 4 April 2024 of the   a safer and more sustainable world.
                                             departure of current CFO and deputy   Saab designs manufactures, and main-
                                             CEO Christian Luiga. Anna Wijkander   tains advanced systems in aeronautics,
                                             has been with Saab since 2015 and   weapons, command and control, sen-
                                             brings extensive managerial finance   sors, and underwater systems

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