Page 33 - mro-business-today-01-07-2024
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          Boeing completes early                                                “Our success in meeting the accelerated
                                                                                timeline is proof our service life modifi-
          delivery of F/A-18 Block III                                          cation game plan is working. Thanks to
                                                                                our years of learning on the program and
                                                                                our partnership with the Navy, the F/A-
          upgrades                                                              18 Super Hornet remains at the forefront
                                                                                of defense technology with renewed
                                                                                years of service to support the fleet.”
                                                                                 In collaboration with the Navy, Boeing
          Boeing completes early upgrades of F/A-18 Block III Super Hornets     has enhanced productivity to com-
          for the U.S. Navy, enhancing defense capabilities through efficient   plete Block III upgrades ahead of the
          partnership-driven advancements.                                      15-month contractual requirement.
                                                                                Boeing facilitated this achievement
             oeing has successfully completed                                   by establishing a baseline for Block II
          Bthe upgrade and life extension of                                    F/A-18 conditions upon receipt and by
          the initial two service life modification                             the Navy’s proactive preparation of jets.
          (SLM) F/A-18 Block III Super Hornets.                                 Additionally , These measures ensured
          Boeing delivered them to the U.S. Navy                                efficient progress and readiness for
          ahead of schedule: one month early                                    Block III upgrades. Furthermore, infor-
          from St. Louis and two months early                                   mation and best practices were shared
          from San Antonio. The upgraded aircraft                               across multiple SLM sites to improve
          now match the capabilities of Super   build assembly line.            efficiency, workload management, and
          Hornets produced on Boeing’s new-   Faye Dixon, Boeing SLM director, said,   resource allocation

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