Page 32 - mro-business-today-01-07-2024
P. 32


                                                                        receiving fuel from another KC-390 using pods
                                                                        installed under the wings.
                                                                          General João Cartaxo Alves, Chief of Staff,
                                                                        Portuguese Air Force said, “With the delivery
                                                                        of this second aircraft we will accelerate the
                                                                        integration of this distinguish capability in the
                                                                        Portuguese Air Force allowing us to increment
                                                                        the operational missions and prepare addition-
                                                                        al crew members and technicians for the future
                                                                        to come. With the results already achieved
                                                                        with the first aircraft it’s clear that with this
                                                                        second one we will see the Portuguese KC-
                                                                        390s flying all around the world proving their
                                                                        capabilities, versatility and availability and
                                                                        providing added mission value for Portugal,
                                                                        partners and alliances.”
                                                                          Embraer, A global aerospace company head-
                                                                        quartered in Brazil, has businesses in Commer-
                                                                        cial and Executive aviation, Defense & Security,
                                                                        and Agricultural Aviation. The company designs,
                                                                        develops, manufactures and markets aircraft
                                                                        and systems, providing Services & Support to
                                                                        customers after-sales

         FDH Aero Forms FDH                                                    a one-stop shop for defence customers
                                                                               now able to benefit from an expanded
                                                                               catalog with a comprehensive breadth
         Defence Aftermarket                                                   of product offerings, from hardware and
                                                                               electromechanical products to consum-
         Division                FDH Aero expands capabilities with new FDH    ables and expendables, and licensed
                                 Defence Aftermarket division to enhance
                                                                                Establishing FDH Defence After-
                                 Military Supply Chain Solutions.              market significantly advances FDH
                                                                               Aero’s commitment to streamlining
            DH Aero announces FDH Defence Af-                                  procurement. Moreover, this initiative
         Ftermarket, a new division dedicated                                  enhances efficiency for the aerospace
         to addressing the aftermarket needs                                   and defence industry. This initiative
         of the defence sector. As part of this                                aims to enhance FDH Aero’s military-
         initiative, Unical Defence, LLC (UDI), a                              focused product solutions for OEMs,
         brand under FDH, will now transition to                               governments, and maintenance repair
         operate under the name FDH Defence                                    stations, thereby improving overall
         Aftermarket. In 2021, FDH acquired                                    service efficiency.
         Unical Defence, LLC (UDI), a global sup-                               FDH Aero is a global partner deliver-
         plier of aftermarket parts and logistics   Matt Lacki, FDH Aero Chief Transfor-  ing supply chain solutions for aero-
         services for military aircraft. Conse-  mation Officer, said “Today’s announce-  space and defence companies. They
         quently, UDI has become an integral   ment is a reflection of our commitment   are committed to simplifying and
         part of FDH, enhancing its supply chain   to meeting the evolving needs of an   enhancing industry processes. With
         capabilities. Since the acquisition, UDI   industry that requires innovators like   over 60 years of experience, FDH Aero
         has become integral to FDH, preferred   FDH to keep the supply chain moving   specializes in hardware, electrical,
         by top government contractors, military   efficiently, By consolidating under a   chemical, and consumable products,
         fleet managers, and defence procure-  single brand with specialized teams, we   and also offers value-added services.
         ment entities. They enhance supply ef-  are optimizing our services and rein-  They also offer value-added services
         ficiency and service. Additionally, under   forcing FDH Aero’s position as the trust-  for OEM and aftermarket customers
         FDH’s ownership, UDI has leveraged   ed aerospace supply chain partner for   worldwide, thereby enhancing prod-
         operational efficiencies, thereby better   OEMs and aftermarket customers. FDH   uct offerings and improving customer
         serving its clientele.             Defence Aftermarket division provides   support

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