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         combine the power of their research   of Thales’s clientele.          innovative contributions across various
         with our work at Thales’s AI accelera-  Alexandre Bounouh, Director of the   scientific and technological domains.
         tor, which brings together the Group’s   CEA’s List Institute, said, “This part-  The hardware and software solutions
         technological expertise and deep   nership builds on the long-standing   developed by the CEA with its aca-
         knowledge of the defence and security   collaboration between the CEA and   demic and industry partners are aimed
         sectors. Our customers — governments,   Thales and extends it to the sensitive   at applications where AI quality and
         armed forces, critical infrastructure   issue of generative AI, combining the   performance are critical. They include
         operators — need trusted, sovereign   expertise and excellence of the CEA’s   sovereign applications for which the
         generative AI solutions for their critical   research teams in AI safety and security   CEA is its customer (cybersecurity,
         missions.”                         with Thales’s AI accelerator’s strengths   defence, energy) and industrial applica-
          Thales integrates AI into over 100   in the strategic domain of defence   tions to which the CEA contributes its
         products and services, leverag-    and security. It will support the CEA’s   expertise.
         ing cutting-edge sensor and system   mission in safety, security and artificial   Working with Thales, the CEA teams
         technologies. These AI functionalities   intelligence with our partners and all   will be applying their expertise more
         span across defence, aviation, space,   institutional and industry stakeholders   specifically to develop LLMs (large
         cybersecurity, and digital identity sec-  in this field.”             language models) and VLMs (vision
         tors, tailored to address the stringent   CEA is a prominent French research   language models) for the sectors and
         security and sovereignty requirements   organization recognized globally for its   use cases targeted by Thales

         Swiss-AS launches advanced

         AMOScloud to enhance Efficiency

         AMOScloud’s self-service platform streamlines operation, reduces manual intervention, boosts
         productivity, cuts costs, and optimizes resource utilization in a competitive environment.

            wiss Aviation Software (Swiss-AS)                                  top priority, with continuous adher-
         Shas launched the latest evolution                                    ence to industry standards for custom-
         of AMOScloud. AMOScloud is an inno-                                   er peace of mind in a dynamic threat
         vative solution with cloud hosting, an                                environment.
         advanced web client, and an intuitive                                  Emmanuel Sauner, Team Leader of
         self-service platform. This advance-                                  Site Reliability Engineering at Swiss-
         ment establishes a new benchmark                                      AS said, “We are very excited to intro-
         in industry efficiency and innovation.                                duce AMOScloud, a new solution for
         AMOScloud’s robust cloud hosting   a balance between the AMOScloud,   aviation maintenance management.
         infrastructure is designed for its un-  fully managed by Swiss-AS, and the   With AMOScloud, we give our custom-
         matched reliability and performance.   independence administrators have   ers the opportunity to operate less
         Supported by a rigorous Service Level   in setting up and loading temporary   and focus more on what really matters
         Agreement (SLA) guaranteeing 99.9%   environments, thereby enhancing   – their business.”
         uptime, AMOScloud consistently     flexibility and control.             At the heart of AMOScloud innova-
         achieves an impressive average per-  AMOScloud is managed by teams of   tion lies administrators’ complete
         formance of 99.99% across all users.   experts comprising systems engi-  control over their AMOS test environ-
          AMOScloud allows users to navigate   neers, cloud engineers, platform   ments in the cloud. This layer, built
         effortlessly through maintenance   engineers, software engineers, and   on top of contracted AMOScloud
         workflows, regardless of their geo-  site reliability engineers, It leverages   environments, is tailored for special-
         graphical location or network latency.   the robust infrastructures of Google   ized testing needs, including phase-in
         By streamlining technical operations   Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Ser-  and phase-out testing campaigns.
         and minimizing manual intervention,   vices.  This strategic partnership not   The intuitive web application allows
         AMOScloud’s self-service platform   only ensures optimal performance and   on-demand deployment, data reloads,
         not only increases productivity but   scalability but also gives customers   upgrades, and environment manage-
         also delivers tangible cost savings   the flexibility to choose the location   ment, empowering administrators
         and ensures optimal resource utilisa-  of their data to ensure compliance   to efficiently oversee their environ-
         tion in an increasingly competitive   with regional regulations and data   ments with unmatched flexibility and
         environment.  The new feature strikes   residency requirements. Security is a   efficiency

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