Page 21 - MRO Business Today 15th June 2024 Issue for Website
P. 21


                                                PaT Global, a prominent provider
          CPaT                               Cof distance learning solutions for   skills and knowledge of our aviation
                                                                                professionals through CPaT’s cutting-
                                             the airline and aviation sector, has   edge training programs, ensuring
          Announces                          secured a new contract with AnimaW-  excellence and safety as we continue
                                             ings. Under this agreement, CPaT will
                                                                                to expand our operations,”
                                             furnish AnimaWings with Airbus A220   CPaT Global, LLC (CPaT) is the market
                                             and Airbus A320 pilot and cabin crew   leader in distance learning for the avia-
          New Contract  training courseware, encompassing Air-                  tion industry. CPaT delivers software-
                                             craft Systems and General Subjects for   as-a-service applications to more than
          with                               pilots, and Aircraft Systems for Cabin   350 global aviation customers, serving
                                                                                100,000+ individual training users
                                             Crew, along with Cabin Crew Safety and
          AnimaWings                         General Subjects modules.          each year. CPaT pioneered the use of
                                              Marius Pandel, President of the
                                                                                distance learning in aviation training 30
                                             Board of AnimaWings, said.“As the
                                                                                years ago and has built on that legacy to
          Airlines                           leading provider of distance learn-  offer new and imaginative training solu-
                                                                                tions that are practical, forward-looking,
                                             ing in the aviation industry, we are
                                             thrilled to support Romanian airline   and invaluable.
                                             AnimaWings, We look forward to em-  Established in 2019, AnimaWings is a
          CPaT will provide AnimaWings       powering their pilots and cabin crew   Romanian airline part of the Memento
          with Airbus A220 and A320          with our high-quality and innovative   Group, with a team of professionals who
          pilot and cabin crew training      courseware as they continue to grow   offer passengers quality services, on
          courseware, including systems      their operations. We are particularly   regular or charter flights, implementing
                                                                                systems, procedures, and safety proto-
                                             pleased to start our cooperation with
          and safety modules.                CPaT, as we are eager to enhance the   cols to an exceptional standard

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