Eve Air Mobility (“Eve”) and Flexjet, the world leader in private aviation, have partnered to accomplish a significant milestone in the development of Urban Air Mobility (UAM).

Johann Bordais, CEO of Eve said,  “This collaboration with Flexjet represents a significant step forward in our efforts to advance urban air mobility. We are committed to exploring innovative solutions that will enhance current operations and contribute to the future of urban flights.”

Eli Flint, Flexjet President of Global Helicopter Operations, said,  “We were delighted to provide Flexjet’s UK helicopter expertise and to play a key role in forging the UAM ecosystem of tomorrow, helping to inform the movements of the next generation of vertical aircraft. Flexjet is dedicated to advancing the aviation solutions that will meet our customers’ needs over the coming years, and we are excited by the potential of eVTOLs for seamless and sustainable electric short-range flights.”


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