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Tallinn flight service company plans to expand to foreign countries

Eesti aircraft maintenance and repair company in Magnetic MRO plans to continue to export goods and services to foreign countries to develop, but capital-intensive investments abroad is not planned.

“We have over the last year expanded outside Estonia was quite successful. We plan to continue to expand, but expansion will take place primarily at the expense of goods and services. Capital intensive investments such as hangars and workshops abroad, we do not plan, “said Magnetic MRO COO Risto Mäeots BNSile.

Tallinn airport specifically for the new aircraft painting hangar oriented on Mäeots noted that the exact cost is not yet clear, as the company now draws up the tender documents. “Procurement price turns out, hopefully by March 2016,” he said.

The new hangar is scheduled to be finished in 2017. If necessary, a new hangar for värvimisteenuse leads to increased demand. Today, the Magnetic MRO concluded eellepped and has also started the construction of 2,000 square meters hangar preparation.

Founded in 2002, the repair and maintenance of aircraft MRO Magnetic belonged until 2010 Nordic aviation company SAS, acquired the company Baltcap Private Equity Fund. Last year, the company acquired two-thirds of companies registered in Cyprus, Sasmex Investments Ltd and Tiaravia Services Ltd.