COVID-19 Special Stories

Stringent safety norms, ‘Munich Airport’ prepares itself for safe air travel

The airport has about six vending machines for masks, disinfectant wipes and other sanitary products
The airport has about six vending machines for masks, disinfectant wipes and other sanitary products

18 May 2020: As travel restrictions ease around the globe and with the international borders slowly opening for air travel, the Munich Airport have put in place its set of do’s and don’ts for passenger and employee safety. The frequency of hygiene and cleanliness at the airport will be increased and all areas of airport will be disinfected.

In an attempt to keep the Airport virus-free Jost Lammers, Chief Executive Officer of Flughafen Mnchen GmbH said, “We anticipate that as the coronavirus restrictions are eased, the demand for air travel will rise and supply on the airline side will increase again. At the same time, we strive to offer the highest safety to passengers and employees while also providing travelers with the high standard of service they are accustomed to.

Needless to add, the wearing of face masks is mandatory at all times. Stringent norms of social distancing are to be maintained at all times and for that the entire airport is marked and colour coded. The airport has about six vending machines for masks, disinfectant wipes and other sanitary products.

Plexiglas panels have also been installed wherever passengers and employees are in direct contact. To avoid line formation, passengers are requested to check-in online. The rules of conduct will be displayed throughout the airport via posters, video screens and regular announcements.

With all the safety arrangements in place, Munich Airport is preparing for a rebound in air traffic and increasing passenger figures.