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Spirit AeroSystems Upgrades Historic Plant 2

Since 2014, Spirit AeroSystems Inc. [NYSE: SPR] has invested in upgrades to its historic Plant 2 and its Wichita facilities to support growing demand for its products. Spirit builds 70 percent of the 737 structure in Plant 2, including the entire fuselage of the world’s best-selling airplane.

“We are constantly looking at ways to modernize our factory and support our customer’s production needs,” said Shawn Campbell, Spirit vice president of the 737 program. “The factory of the future will look much different than it does today. Many investments the company is making will ensure even better quality than we deliver today.”

The upgrades include projects like installation of robotic drilling and fastening, expansion of the propulsion manufacturing facility, building additional rail spurs for increased transportation needs and a re-investment in the facilities across the Wichita campus.

Since Spirit’s formation in 2005, it has doubled its 737 output while using essentially the same footprint. Continued increased production rates will require additional modernization to the historic Plant 2 building and a pipeline of employees to support this record demand.

Spirit is responsible for the Boeing 737 fuselage, nacelles, pylons and wing flaps and slats. Spirit’s history with the program dates back to the 1960s, when the 737 Classic launched and the site was a Boeing facility. The company transitioned to work on the 737 Next Generation program beginning in 1996, and the evolution continues today, as Spirit enters production of the 737 MAX.

Plant 2 was originally built to support production of World War II era aircraft like the B-29. The factory went on to support other historic aircraft like the B-47 and the B-52.