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SpiceJet takes off with AMOS

Swiss-AS declared a new business association with SpiceJet, one of India’s noted low cost airlines, regarding the Swiss Aircraft Maintenance & Engineering System AMOS. AMOS will be rolled out and used by over 600 employees in the Technical department of the airline.

Some representatives of the SpiceJet technical department staff are already familiar with AMOS, which helped the airline not only during the evaluation phase, but will also be useful in the future implementation process. “India has become a strategic market for us and, with SpiceJet on board, we are proud to continue this Indian story of success,” stated Ronald Schaeuffele, CEO of Swiss-AS.

SpiceJet is delighted to begin the AMOS project and the airline foresees a short implementation period to benefit from best practice processes with the launch of this software. The basic approach to introduce AMOS aligns perfectly with the expected fleet growth at SpiceJet to support efficiency profit and better cost control measures. SpiceJet will double the present fleet with the 55 B737 MAX aircraft on order.

For the carrier, implementing a new MRO software during this challenging period will bring efficiency benefits and allow the existing and new aircraft to be directly monitored and maintained in AMOS. Experience has proven, via the numerous low cost carriers already members of the AMOS customer community, that expansive fleet growth projects have been successfully and economically managed using enhanced fleet management processes.