
SkySelect’s ePaaS, to reshape Azul Brazilian Airlines’ aircraft parts procurement

SkySelect’s ePaaS, to reshape Azul Brazilian Airlines’ aircraft parts procurement.
Azul’s success with ePaaS, is far from the ceiling of what can be achieved and more of a strong foundation to build even greater efficiencies.

SkySelect’s ePaaS, has automated purchasing of 65% of the material requirements from Request-to-Delivery for Azul Brazilian Airlines.

Azul Airlines has moved its parts procurement onto SkySelect’s ePaaS, within just 2 months. The airline has since been experiencing superior results, including substantial cost savings of 6%, 95% on-time delivery performance, and automating the purchasing of 65% of the material requirements from Request-to-Delivery. SkySelect’s unique ePaaS model combines experts and technology, overcoming the slow technology adoption problem and bringing instant access to artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, and Cloud to enhance the visibility of the aircraft parts’ supply chain.

“Today, we are seeing disruption around every corner of the globe. The supply chain is in crisis; issues with parts availability and long lead times have further highlighted the need for change”, said Marco Barbosa, Director of Purchasing and Supplies, Customers, Service and CRM at Azul. “SkySelect has made the parts procurement process easier, cost-effective, and more efficient than ever by automating our orders and bringing all of our work into a digital process,” he added.

Azul Brazilian Airlines (Azul) has taken an enormous step forward in innovating its MRO department by reshaping how it procures aircraft parts. Now, more than at any other point in commercial aviation’s history, it’s imperative for airlines to be cost-conscious and efficient. Airlines have been faced with the ebbs and flows of passenger demand, congested airports, supply chain issues, and socio-political issues while trying to maintain operations as usual with a shrinking labor force.

 “The team at Azul is a perfect partner for us because they share the same vision of growth through technology and best-in-class customer service,” said Tia Dayal, Head of Operations & Co-founder at SkySelect. “Innovation is a core tenet of Azul, as the airline strives for total organizational efficiency. We’re happy with what we’ve achieved together but certainly not fully satisfied. This is just the start of greater things to come,” she added further.

The airlines that are the fastest to adopt digital technologies and processes will be the ones to come out on top and flourish instead of simply surviving. Azul Brazilian Airlines (Azul) by adopting the SkySelect e-PaaS has taken an enormous step forward by using innovative techniques for its MRO department and reshaping how it procures aircraft parts.