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Safran improves the aerospace supply chain

A French programme called “Industrial Performance”, coordinated by the aerospace industry association GIFAS, aspire to boost the competitiveness among the small and medium-size aerospace companies. Safran is playing an important role in this initiative, which harbors appreciable stakes for the industry and for the Group.

The review meeting for the first phase of France’s SME support plan, “Industrial Performance”, was called on the Safran Campus by the end of November 2016. Dedicated to increase the achievement of the aerospace industry’s supply chain, this national program is designed in such a way to support suppliers in their journey towards excellence.

Enhancing supply chain performance, a top priority for Safran
“The performance of our supply chain is a critical challenge for Safran, given the current ramp-up in LEAP production and its entry into service,” points out Emmanuel Cazali, in charge of program deployment in the greater Paris area, backed by Olivier Horaist, Safran executive vice president for production and purchasing. The Group’s supply chain includes over 6,000 French SMEs operating in 1,500 different areas, and representing fully half of Safran’s purchasing volume. Over 400 small and medium-size enterprises first involved in the phase of this program.

Very encouraging results
The program has mostly proved favorable to both Safran and its suppliers. More than half of the SMEs involved are Safran suppliers.
The aim of the first part of the program (2014-2017) was to increase supplier performance in terms of on-time delivery and quality. Suppliers were organized in groups of five or six companies, their performance were monitored well and an action plan initiated.
The program’s second phase (2017-2019) will focus on improving competitiveness, by offering expert level training courses, tailored to the variuos issues facing each company. This second phase will have 300 participants, half of which already took part in the first phase.