
Safran Helicopter Engines boosts India ambitions with Lundin faster return-to-flight services integration

Safran Helicopter Engines boosts India ambitions with Lundin faster return-to-flight services integration.
The partnership between LUNDIN Software and Safran Helicopter Engines was officially unveiled at the prestigious Paris Air Show.

The LUNDIN and Safran collaboration has developed Logbook Connect, for simplifying receiving replacement engines, and modules, enabling a faster return-to-flight for helicopters.

LUNDIN Software, a renowned provider of aviation maintenance software systems, has solidified the position of its flagship product, GANNET, as a world-leading solution through a new partnership with Safran Helicopter Engines. The collaboration has resulted in the development of Logbook Connect, a groundbreaking digital service that simplifies administrative tasks for customers when receiving replacement engines, modules, or accessories, ultimately enabling a faster return-to-flight for helicopters.

The partnership between LUNDIN Software and Safran Helicopter Engines was officially unveiled at the prestigious Paris Air Show, further bolstering LUNDIN Software’s collaborative efforts with leading industry players such as Airbus Helicopters. Logbook Connect revolutionizes the process of importing airworthiness data into customers’ maintenance management software, eliminating the need for manual data entry during initialization. By streamlining this aspect of maintenance operations, Logbook Connect allows the teams responsible for airworthiness tracking and maintenance to concentrate on their core responsibilities.

Jørleif Bech, the founder, LUNDIN Software, said, “We’re delighted to have had the opportunity to work closely with Safran Helicopter Engines to develop Logbook Connect, which is already proving to be a real game-changer in the field.”

The partnership between LUNDIN Software and Safran Helicopter Engines, along with the introduction of Logbook Connect, can bring several benefits to Safran in India and the Indian Aerospace market.

·         Enhanced Customer Experience: By implementing Logbook Connect, Safran Helicopter Engines can offer Indian helicopter operators a streamlined and efficient process for managing airworthiness data. This can significantly improve the customer experience by reducing administrative tasks and minimizing the time required for data entry, allowing operators to focus more on their core operations.

·         Increased Operational Efficiency: Logbook Connect enables faster return-to-flight for helicopters by simplifying the process of integrating replacement engines, modules, or accessories. This can help Safran Helicopter Engines reduce downtime and enhance the overall operational efficiency of their customers in India. The reduced turnaround time for maintenance activities can lead to increased aircraft availability and improved operational schedules.

·         Cost Savings: The digitization of maintenance processes through Logbook Connect can result in cost savings for Indian helicopter operators. By eliminating manual data entry and automating the import of airworthiness data, operators can save valuable time and resources. Additionally, the faster initialization process facilitated by Logbook Connect can reduce maintenance-related downtime, ultimately saving costs associated with aircraft grounding.

·         Market Differentiation: The adoption of Logbook Connect by Safran Helicopter Engines in India can serve as a competitive advantage in the Indian Aerospace market. By offering a cutting-edge digital service that simplifies maintenance operations, Safran can position itself as a forward-thinking and customer-centric company. This can attract new customers and strengthen existing relationships by providing added value and innovative solutions.

·         Collaboration Opportunities: The partnership with LUNDIN Software and the successful development of Logbook Connect demonstrate Safran’s commitment to collaboration and technology advancement in India. This can pave the way for further collaboration opportunities with other Indian companies, fostering relationships and partnerships within the Indian Aerospace market. Such collaborations can lead to the development of more tailored and innovative solutions to meet the specific needs of the Indian aviation industry.

Overall, the partnership and introduction of Logbook Connect by Safran Helicopter Engines in India have the potential to enhance customer satisfaction, improve operational efficiency, generate cost savings, differentiate the company in the market, and foster collaboration opportunities. These factors can contribute to Safran’s growth and success in the Indian Aerospace market, further solidifying its position as a trusted and innovative provider in the industry.

Eirik Nedregaard, Head of Engineering, Norsk Luftambulanse, said, “Logbook Connect allows us to implement all the engine-related data into our maintenance management tool in just ten minutes, compared with a full day previously. Logbook Connect allows me to focus on my core task, which is airworthiness control and tracking.”

The launch of Logbook Connect underscores Safran Helicopter Engines’ commitment to providing services that closely align with customers’ needs and operational constraints. The collaboration with LUNDIN Software, a leading maintenance management designer and provider, and their GANNET solution has facilitated the development of this innovative service.

The spokesman, Safran Helicopter Engines added, “This has allowed us to deploy the service to the first helicopter operators, including Airlift, Avincis Sweden, and Norsk Luftambulanse.”

GANNET, LUNDIN Software’s highly innovative aviation maintenance management software system, has gained significant popularity in the industry. In 2022, LUNDIN Software introduced GANNET 3, an upgraded version of the original software that offers enhanced speed, intelligence, and competitiveness.

Magni Arge, Executive Chairman, LUndi Software, said “GANNET has been brought into service by more than 50 operators in 15 countries on four continents. The development of electronic logbook systems is proving to be a highly effective and popular next step.”

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The partnership between LUNDIN Software and Safran Helicopter Engines, along with the introduction of Logbook Connect, signifies another milestone in the evolution of aviation maintenance management. With their focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, both companies are poised to continue providing cutting-edge solutions to the industry.