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Research work on Peregrine Falcons inspires future aircraft innovations

Scientists at BAE Systems and City, University of London researched on how falcons fly and came to the conclusion that it inspires new technologies for aircraft that could contribute to their safety in the air, aerodynamics and fuel efficiency. The technologies could be applied within the next 20 years.

The scientists have developed numerous concepts after research into how the peregrine falcon – the world’s fastest bird, is able to stay in control and airborne at speeds of up to 200mph, even in high winds. The technologies being developed include ‘sensory feathers’ – 3D-printed polymer ‘hair’ filaments which would act like sensors on the body of an aircraft, providing an early warning system if it began to stall. Similarly, more densely packed passive polymer filaments may also be proficient of changing the airflow very close to the surface of the aircraft which could reduce ‘drag’ on the aircraft wing-skin. Aerodynamic drag eventually slows aircraft in flight.


A further technology has been inspired by the falcon’s ability to calm down itself after swooping or landing by ruffling its feathers. Small flexible or hinged flaps on an aircraft could allow the wing to move carefully quickly and land more safely at lower speeds. The additional safety margin gained using this approach could allow aircraft of a more compact design or to carry more fuel. The research so far has shown that the flaps could lower aircraft noise pollution.

Professor Christoph Bruecker from City’s Aeronautical Engineering department, commented, “The peregrine falcon is the world’s fastest bird, able to dive for prey at incredibly steep angles and high velocities. The research work has been truly fascinating and I am sure it will deliver some real innovation and benefits for the aerospace sector.”

Professor Clyde Warsop, a specialist in Aerodynamic Flow Control from our military aircraft business based at Filton in Bristol and Warton in Lancashire said, “Working with Professor Christoph Bruecker and his team at City, we’ve investigated how we could apply the unique abilities of the peregrine falcon to aircraft. Bio-inspiration is not a new concept; many technologies that we use every day are increasingly inspired by animals and nature.”