
Raya Airways to charter Four Airbus A320/A321P2F jets from ST Engineering

Raya Airways to charter Four Airbus A320/A321P2F jets from ST Engineering.
The Airbus A320 family is a series of narrow-body airliners developed and produced by Airbus. The A320 was launched in March 1984, first flew on 22 February 1987, and was introduced in April 1988 by Air France.

The freighter aircrafts for Raya Airways will be converted under the A320/A321P2F programme of Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW), a joint venture between ST Engineering and Airbus. 

ST Engineering declared that it’s aviation asset management business will rent four Airbus narrowbody Passenger-to-Freighter (P2F) airplane comprising of two (2) A320P2F and two (2) A321P2F to a regional administrator, Raya Airways Sdn Bhd (“Raya Airways”). Change for the first airplane, an A321, has begun at ST Engineering’s office in Singapore with expected delivery in the final quarter of 2022.

Raya Airways’ Group Managing Director, Mohamad Najib Ishak, said, “The air cargo industry, being an integral part of the global supply chain, is expected to grow in tandem with the global economy. The recent industry outlook by the International Air Transport Association states that cargo volumes are expected to set a record high of 68.4 million tonnes in 2022 with cargo revenues expected to account for US$191b of industry revenues. With the introduction of the A320P2Fs and A321P2Fs into our fleet, we are able to scale up our operational capacity to meet the growing demand, whilst being able to reduce the carbon footprint as we push forward our sustainability agenda.”

EFW’s A320/A321P2F program is the main arrangement in the market created utilizing unique OEM information and backing from Airbus, which guarantees more noteworthy lifecycle esteem, prevalent quality and dependability, as well as better support arranging. The A320/A321P2F arrangement accompanies adjusted payload-range capacity and enhanced weight dissemination to empower irregular stacking even on void flights, giving high adaptability to administrators. Coordinated cockpit configuration likewise guarantees that administrators can stay in the OEM plan climate.

Raya Airways’ Chief Commercial Officer, MD Hidayat Rahim, said, “These are truly exciting times at Raya Airways as the added payload capacity will enable us to add numerous major routes to further expand the company’s footprint in the region. Once converted, each A321P2F will offer 27 tonnes while each A320P2F will offer 21 tonnes, effectively increasing Raya Airways’ combined payload by up to 96 tonnes. Our commitment to our clients is that wherever there are economic centres with robust future prospects, Raya Airways aim to be there.”

Yip Hin Meng, EVP and Head of Aviation Asset Management at ST Engineering, said, “We are delighted to enter our first freighter aircraft leasing partnership with Raya Airways,” “Our unique leasing solutions such as the bundling of aircraft leasing with MRO services, when combined with in-house developed P2F programmes and top-notch conversion standards, offer operators best-in-class economics and unparalleled levels in reliability.”

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ST Engineering’s flying resource the board business is an undeniable airplane and engine lessor with center capabilities in bargain beginning, funding, securitization, rent the executives, specialized resource the board, re-showcasing and repossession. Its arrangement of freighter airplane incorporates the A320P2F and A321P2F as the narrowbody choices, and the A330P2F as the widebody choice. As well as leasing arrangements, ST Engineering gives all out lifecycle resource the board arrangements. These incorporate turnkey airplane and lodge re-configuration administrations, airplane and motor MRO as well freighter conversion.