COVID-19 Special Stories

Qatar gears for safe and hygienic air travel with enhanced measures

Qatar has introduced additional safety measures on-board flights to ensure the continued health and wellbeing of our passengers and cabin crew, and to limit the spread of coronavirus
Qatar has introduced additional safety measures on-board flights to ensure the continued health and wellbeing of our passengers and cabin crew, and to limit the spread of coronavirus

19 May 2020: As the world prepares itself for a post COVID-19 phase, the sealed international borders are starting to open up for air travel. On this encouraging note, airlines and airports have left no stone unturned to ensure a hygienic and safe air travel for the passengers. Here’s how Qatar Airways have planned their post COVID-19 air travel.

1. The cabin-crew will be wearing the PPE suits at all times on-board above their uniform in addition to gloves, goggles and masks.

2. Interaction between passengers and crew will be kept at a minimal to encourage social distancing with a modified service in place.

3. Passengers are required to wear a face mask at all times.

4. Business class will be served meals on a tray instead of a table set up, and a cutlery wrap will be offered to passengers as an alternative to individual cutlery service.

5. In Economy Class, all meals and cutlery are served sealed as usual.

6. Additionally large bottle of sanitizers will be placed in gallery.

7. All social-distancing areas on-board will be closed.

8. Business class passengers can avail of Qsuite which provides sliding partitions and fully closing doors for enhanced privacy.

Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker said “At Qatar Airways, we have introduced these additional safety measures on-board our flights to ensure the continued health and wellbeing of our passengers and cabin crew, and to limit the spread of coronavirus. As an airline, we maintain the highest possible hygiene standards to ensure that we can fly people home safely during this time and provide even greater reassurance that safety is our number one priority.

Seeing as we are still flying the world’s largest international network by operating flights to more than 30 destinations around the world, and aiming to grow our network again in the coming months, these on-board safety measures will assist us in achieving our goals.” He further added.

9. Qatar aircraft are disinfected by using cleaning products recommended by IATA and WHO.

10. Its home airport, Hamid airport is using disinfectant robots, fully autonomous mobile emitting concentrated UV-C light to eliminate infectious microbes.

11. Qatar had HEPA filters which remove 99.97 per cent of viruses and bacteria from re-circulated air.

12. All on-board linen and blankets are washed, dried and pressed at microbial lethal temperatures.

13. All headsets are removed of ear foams and rigorously sanitized after each flight.

14. Meal service utensils and cutlery are washed with detergents and rinsed with demineralized fresh water at temperatures that kill pathogenic bacteria.

15. All cabin crew are thermally screened before and after each flight.

Since mid-February, Qatar Airways has helped reunite over one million passengers with their loved ones, operating a mix of scheduled and charter services plus extra sectors.

For the Press Release please click here –