
Pratt & Whitney and SR Technics Launch GTF Engine Induction 

Pratt & Whitney and SR Technics Launch First GTF Engine Induction
SR Technics, integrated into the Pratt & Whitney GTF MRO network in 2022, now represents the 17th operational site.

This facility will handle comprehensive disassembly, assembly, and testing services for the PW1100G-JM engine, designed for the Airbus A320neo aircraft series.

Pratt & Whitney, a business unit of RTX, and SR Technics have jointly initiated the induction process of the first Pratt & Whitney GTF engine at SR Technics’ Zurich facility. This facility will handle comprehensive disassembly, assembly, and testing services for the PW1100G-JM engine, designed for the Airbus A320neo aircraft series.

Marc Meredith, vice president of commercial aftermarket for GTF engines at Pratt & Whitney, said, “Today, we extend our relationship with SR Technics, which began 35 years ago with maintenance on the PW4000 engine, With their top-tier performance history, SR Technics will continue to deliver industry-leading services providing vital support for the expanding GTF fleet.”

Pratt & Whitney continues to enhance its GTF MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) capacity through strategic partnerships with top-tier providers like SR Technics, aimed at meeting increasing aftermarket demands. In 2023, Pratt & Whitney initiated three expansions and activated six new shops specifically dedicated to servicing the expanding GTF fleet. SR Technics, integrated into the Pratt & Whitney GTF MRO network in 2022, now represents the 17th operational site and the seventh facility located within Europe.

Owen McClave, chief executive officer at SR Technics said, “Our team just completed the Pratt & Whitney’s heavy maintenance training program and has granted and has received the Federal Office of Civil Aviation’s EASA authority approval for GTF engine maintenance, The disassembly of the first GTF engine at SR Technics shop has begun. We are delighted to become a contributor to the GTF network. We are an engines-focused business, and this is an important milestone for our company. The overhaul of geared turbofan engines strengthens our expertise in the world’s most innovative technologies, so our current and future customers can continue to rely completely on our top-level service. With this, SR Technics is on a secure path of capabilities’ growth and further developing our skill set.” 

The GTF MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) Network refers to Pratt & Whitney’s global framework of authorized service providers equipped to maintain and support Geared Turbofan (GTF) engines. These engines are renowned for their fuel efficiency, reduced noise levels, and lower emissions, making them pivotal in modern aviation.

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The network comprises certified facilities worldwide, ensuring comprehensive servicing capabilities that include inspections, repairs, and overhauls to optimize engine performance and longevity. This strategic network enables Pratt & Whitney to meet the increasing demand for GTF engine maintenance and support from airlines and operators globally, ensuring reliable and efficient operations of aircraft equipped with GTF technology.