Sustainable Aviation

Pegasus Airlines chooses SkyBreathe 360° partner for fuel efficient  sustainable flying

Pegasus Airlines chooses SkyBreathe 360° partner for fuel efficient  sustainable flying.
Pegasus Airlines has also decided to adopt SkyBreathe® MyFuelCoach in order to provide its pilots with even more assistance in this endeavour.

OpenAirlines developed the SkyBreathe 360° platform, for analysing data from every flight and offering insight enabling Pegasus Airlines to lowering consumption and improving fuel efficiency.

Pegasus, the infamous low-cost airline in Turkey, With the adoption of the SkyBreathe® 360° eco-flying platform, has significantly improved both its operational efficiency and environmental action, resulting in lower fuel costs and CO2 emissions from its flights. The airline will be able to track flight data, evaluate potential fuel-efficient operations, pinpoint areas for development, and more with this collaboration. Pegasus Airlines hopes to significantly reduce fuel consumption by utilising this data-driven approach, which will result in financial savings as well as a noticeable reduction in the airline’s carbon footprint.

With the help of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sophisticated Big Data algorithms, OpenAirlines developed the SkyBreathe® 360° eco-flying platform, which analyses a plethora of data from every flight and offers useful insights that enable airlines to lower their consumption and improve fuel efficiency strategies. In order to achieve superior fuel savings, the platform is made to grow with the airline as it progresses along its fuel efficiency path. It does this by fostering a green culture, enhancing collaboration, and sharing responsibilities.

Pegasus Airlines has also decided to adopt SkyBreathe® MyFuelCoach in order to provide its pilots with even more assistance in this endeavour. Pilots will be equipped with reliable data through the usage of the smartphone application, enabling them to make better educated flying decisions. Its user-friendly, straightforward layout makes it simple for them to monitor their progress and identify opportunities for self-discovery.

Güliz Öztürk, CEO at Pegasus Airlines said, “We are delighted to announce our partnership with OpenAirlines and the adoption of the SkyBreathe® platform. This partnership reflects our determination to leverage advanced technology to enhance our fuel efficiency and operational practices while contributing to our 2050 Net Zero emissions target and our numerous initiatives as we continue Moving Towards a Sustainable Future.”

Keeping the fleet in good condition is crucial to improving operations and flight effectiveness. In keeping with this idea, Pegasus Airlines has also chosen to implement SkyBreathe® APM, bringing its fleet to 105 aircraft as of right now. As a result, maintenance staff will have the ability to track the health of the entire fleet, monitor aircraft performance continually, spot any abnormal degradation, and take corrective action when necessary.

 Alexandre Feray, CEO at OpenAirlines said, “The addition of Pegasus in the SkyBreathe® Community is a proud moment for us. Their decision to embrace three solutions from the platform showcases their commitment to unite everyone in the airline over a shared mission to maximize company fuel savings and reduce the environmental impact of their flights. In 2022, SkyBreathe® successfully saved 1 million tons of CO2, showcasing its remarkable ability to propel change within the industry. With our tools, Pegasus Airlines can confidently achieve considerable cost and CO2 savings, further contributing to a more sustainable aviation future.”

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An important step forward has been reached in the airline’s continuous efforts to improve its fuel management programme with this agreement. Through its membership in the SkyBreathe® Community, which currently boasts over 60 like-minded airlines using the platform, Pegasus Airlines is showcasing its dedication to leading the global shift towards more environmentally friendly aviation practises.