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New “SafeDrone” platform for reducing risks for pilots and drones

“SafeDrone” is a new initiative by Lufthansa Technik for minimizing worries and risks in unmanned aviation. The platform allows cooperation between all market players and gives them direct access to recognised standards for technology, quality and security in the use of drones.

A basic package is available free of charge for drone pilots and service providers and their aircraft that allows them to register and become qualified as well as certified under the “SafeDrone Code of Conduct”. They get familiar to unmanned aircraft systems, components, and flight and control fundamentals. Apart from this, they also obtain basic training in flight safety, aerodynamics and meteorology. Every participant receives a safe flyer certificate upon completion of the training. The contents of the free online training were compiled by experts at Lufthansa Technik and Lufthansa Aviation Training under concern of the necessities of numerous regional aviation authorities.

“As members of the ‘SafeDrone’ community, registered users receive online access to checklists and up-to-date information in addition to an identification plate for their drones,” says project team member Olaf Ronsdorf. Moreover, customers also receive premium discounts when taking out liability insurance for their drones. The package will be extended continually for discerning and professional users with the inclusion of additional components.

Lufthansa Technik will present “SafeDrone” live from 20 – 24 March 2017 at the CeBit trade fair in Hannover at Hall 17, Stand A30.