
Meggit PLC signs SMARTSupport contract with JACOM trading

JACOM is Meggit’s valued customer and this contract strengthens Meggit’s position in APAC region.
The Spey engine has been in widespread service for over 40 years and with over 50,000,000 hours of operating time.

The contract covers valves and flow control solutions in the APAC region and is valued at USD 3.9 million.

Meggit PLC signed a3-year SMARTSupport contract with JACOM Trading Inc. for the supply of spare parts to the Rolls Royce Spey engine.  The contract covers valves and flow control solutions in the APAC region and is valued at USD 3.9 million.

Meggitt PLC is a leading international company specializing in high-performance components and subsystems for the aerospace, defense, and selected energy markets.

Darren Wiggins, SVP General Manager APAC for Meggitt’s Services & Support division, said, “Jacom is a highly valued customer of ours and we are delighted to sign this contract, which further strengthens our position in the APAC region as a major supplier of aftermarket services to engine shops, integrators, and airlines.”

The Spey engine has been in widespread service for over 40 years and with over 50,000,000 hours of operating time, is now classified as a legacy platform. JACOM is headquartered in Japan and is a leading supplier of engine repair services for both civil and defense applications.