
Lufthansa Technik Aero Alzey completes 30 years of support for the CF34 engine

Lufthansa Technik Aero Alzey completes 30 years of support for the CF34 engine.
The General Electric CF34 is a civilian high-bypass turbofan developed by GE Aircraft Engines from its TF34 military engine.

The first CF34-3 engines were overhauled and redelivered by Lufthansa Technik at the Alzey facility in 1992

Lufthansa Technik AERO Alzey (LTAA), the wholly owned subsidiary of Lufthansa Technik AG has completed 30 years of services in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of CF34 engines. CF34 engine is a type that mainly powers regional and business aircraft. The first CF34-3 engines overhauled by LTAA were redelivered in Alzey. That was also the first engine type of the later CF34 series. The engine type has since then developed as a regular entry in the service portfolio of the company. The CF34-8 engine was introduced in 2002, and the CF34-10 in 2011.

Cristina Seda-Hoelle, General Manager, Regional and Business Aviation for GE Aviation said, “Congratulations to LTAA on 30 years of supporting the CF34 program. Our commitment remains strong in the continued investment of the CF34 engine line to keep supporting our customers in the regional and business aviation space. LTAA’s technical capabilities and proven support fit well with GE’s mission to provide superior engine service.”

In addition, to this Lufthansa Technik AERO Alzey also announced the construction of a new production building with 1,500 m² area that is planned for mid-2023. According to LTAA the expansion is done after taking the further growing demand into consideration.  This will allow the company to create a production-related storage area for tools, modules and devices, which will enable four additional engine bays by repurposing hall space. LTAA also has plans to hire more than 40 new employees with different specializations within two years.

Matthias Gruber, Managing Director of LTAA said, “To have over 30 years of sustainable and innovative success with an engine requires a strong partner like GE on the one hand, and our excellently trained employees on the other,”. “Their outstanding commitment as well as the cooperative partnership has allowed LTAA to shape and help develop the market over a long period of time. That is what makes me personally extremely proud of our company.”

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Being one of the world’s leading providers of repair and overhaul services for the CF34 program engine, Lufthansa Technik AERO Alzey has been complementing the network of engine manufacturer General Electric (GE) for 30 years. During this time, the employees of LTAA have managed close to 2,000 shop events and more than 200 customers.