
Lufthansa receives delivery of 600th Airbus commercial aircraft at the Hamburg-Finkenwerder site

Lufthansa receives delivery of 600th Airbus commercial aircraft at the Hamburg-Finkenwerder site.
Lufthansa has equipped several long-haul Airbus aircraft with instruments for climate and weather research.

The 600th Airbus aircraft delivered to Lufthansa is a state-of-the-art and fuel-efficient twinjet A321neo with seating for 215 passengers, used for short- and medium-haul flights.

Lufthansa and Airbus celebrated a significant milestone in their longstanding partnership as Lufthansa received its 600th Airbus aircraft. The aircraft in question is an Airbus A321neo, which was handed over to Lufthansa during a formal ceremony held at Airbus’s Hamburg-Finkenwerder site. The partnership between Lufthansa and Airbus dates back to February 9, 1976, when Lufthansa took delivery of its first Airbus aircraft, an A300B2. Since then, Lufthansa has been a loyal customer, with more than ten different Airbus aircraft types being supplied to various air operators within the Lufthansa Group.

The 600th Airbus aircraft delivered to Lufthansa, registered as D-AIEQ, is an A321neo. With seating for 215 passengers, the A321neo is a state-of-the-art and fuel-efficient twinjet used for short- and medium-haul flights. It has been in Lufthansa service since 2019 and has been named ‘Münster’ after the German city.

Carsten Spohr, Chairman of the Executive Board, Lufthansa Group said, “Lufthansa and Airbus are united by a very special partnership. Ever since Airbus’s creation, we have enjoyed close and trusting collaborations on a wide range of research projects and new developments. Lufthansa has also served no fewer than four times as Airbus’s launching customer for a new aircraft type, most recently for the A320neo family that is proving such a success. Lufthansa has ordered every family of aircraft that Airbus has developed over the past five decades. And more than 90 per cent of the 600 Airbuses that we have taken delivery of during that time are still in Lufthansa Group service today. We also wish to welcome our 700th Airbus to our fleet as part of Lufthansa’s centennial celebrations in 2026.”

In addition to their successful collaboration in aircraft supply, Lufthansa and Airbus have also worked together on sustainability and research projects. Lufthansa has equipped several long-haul Airbus aircraft with instruments for climate and weather research. They have also partnered with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on a project to convert an Airbus A350-900 into a research aircraft. Lufthansa’s dedication to sustainability was demonstrated in 2011 when they became the first airline to trial biofuel in their daily flight operations.

Guillaume Faury, CEO, Airbus said, “Lufthansa and Airbus have been partners ever since we delivered the first Lufthansa A300 back in February 1976. Since then, Lufthansa has taken delivery of an Airbus aircraft an average of every month – 600 of them in almost 50 years! No other airline group has received more of our aircraft to date. My particular thanks, on behalf of everyone at Airbus, go to all the teams at Lufthansa for all their confidence and trust. We look forward to the next 50 years of our partnership and our shared commitment to the goal of sustainable air travel.”

The history of the partnership showcases the continuous growth of Lufthansa’s Airbus fleet. It began with the delivery of three A300B2s in 1976, followed by subsequent introductions of various Airbus aircraft types such as the A310 in 1983, the A300-600 in 1987, and the A320 in 1989. The Lufthansa fleet also expanded to include the A340 in 1993 and the A330 in 2004. In 2010, Lufthansa celebrated a significant milestone when their Airbus fleet surpassed 100 aircraft. The A380, the world’s largest passenger aircraft, joined Lufthansa’s long-haul fleet in 2010.

Lufthansa has not only been a valued customer but has also played a significant role as Airbus’s launching customer for new aircraft types. Lufthansa served as the launching customer for the A310, A340, A220, and A320neo. The A320 family has become a cornerstone of Lufthansa’s fleet, with over 370 aircraft currently in service. The A350-900, introduced in 2016, has also become an essential component of Lufthansa’s long-haul operations, making the Lufthansa Group the world’s third-largest customer for the A350.

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The partnership between Lufthansa and Airbus has not only spanned almost 50 years but has also contributed to the growth and success of both companies. Their commitment to sustainable air travel and continuous collaboration on research and development projects reinforces their shared vision for the future of aviation. As Lufthansa looks forward to their 700th Airbus and their centennial celebrations in 2026, the partnership is poised to continue making significant contributions to the industry.