Executives in Focus

Israel Aerospace Industries welcomes their new CEO – Boaz Levy

Following a thorough and detailed evaluation of candidates for the position, the board of directors decided unanimously to approve the search committee’s recommendation to nominate Boaz Levy as CEO
Over the years, Levy has pursued groundbreaking technological developments that are cornerstones of Israel’s defence.

17 November 2020: In a career spanning over three decades in Israel Aerospace Industries, Mr. Boaz Levy is nominated as the new CEO. This nomination will now be submitted to the Minister of Defence, Lt. General (ret) Benjamin Gantz, and the Minister for Cyber & National Digital Matters, Dudi Amsalem who supervising the Israel Government Companies Authority. Mr. Levy will be succeeding Maj. General (ret.) Nimrod Sheffer who retired at the end of October.

Mr. Levy’s has a string of achievements at the IAI. After joining the company on 1990 as an engineer for Arrow Project, he became the chief engineer in 1999. From 2003 to 2006, Mr. Levy headed the induction of the Arrow-2 into operational service after going through numerous successful test flights. From 2006 to 2010 he headed the Barak-8 program, which evolved into one of the world’s most advanced air defence systems and became one of IAI’s most significant growth engines.

IAI’s Chairman of the Board, Harel Locker said, “Following a thorough and detailed evaluation of candidates for the position, the board of directors decided unanimously to approve the search committee’s recommendation to nominate Boaz Levy as CEO. Levy has successfully managed the Systems Missiles and Space Group’s most profitable group that in recent years has made technological and financial groundbreaking achievements. Boaz knows the domestic and international defence market and understands our customer’s needs. The past year marks a record in IAI’s financial results- we exceeded annual revenue of USD4B for the first time. Managing an enterprise like IAI is a complicated task. The board of directors trusts Boaz and his capabilities and experience to continue the momentum and transformation the company is going through, facing the future commercial and technological challenges.”

In 2010, Boaz Levy was appointed as general manager of IAI’s air defence division and in 2013 he became Vice President of the Systems Missiles and Space Group, leading the group to become IAI’s most profitable and successful business unit. Over the years, Levy has pursued groundbreaking technological developments that are cornerstones of Israel’s defence. Several of those programs have won the Israel Defence Prize presented annually by the President of Israel to people and organizations who made significant contributions to the defence of the State of Israel.

Boaz Levy said, “I thank IAI’s Board of Directors for the trust in selecting me as CEO. It is an honor to lead this enterprise that has been my home for decades. I plan to lead the company in full cooperation with management to benefit our customers, employees, partners, and stakeholders, locally and abroad. The challenge I face is great. IAI has transformed in recent years, but we still have a considerable way to achieve the company’s potential and strengthen our position in existing and new markets.”

Levy is also responsible for some of the largest defence export sales in Israel’s history, including the sale of the Barak Weapon System worth over USD 6B US.