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IAI’s innovation center’s call to startups for next stage accelerator program

Every year, IAI invests hundreds of millions of shekels in in-house R&D.
The start-ups admitted to the program benefit from knowledge sharing, a range of infrastructures, technological support, and a business-oriented enrichment program

17 August 2020: The Innovation Centre of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) today issued a call to startups to apply to the next class of its accelerator program. IAI’s accelerator program offers a first-of-its-kind hybrid working model with IAI’s top tech experts to co-create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The start-ups admitted to the program benefit from knowledge sharing, a range of infrastructures, technological support, and a business-oriented enrichment program. IAI will also acquaint the participating start-ups with its extensive marketing activities and global customers.

The accelerator accepts applications in a range of disciplines including: machine learning, quantum computing, radar, sensing, robotics, big data, computer vision, smart cockpits, propulsion, drones, cyber, 3D printing, novel energy sources, Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS), IoT, and more. The 13-week program’s class will open on November 1st, 2020. For more information and application, click here.

Amira Sharon, Ph.D., VP of Strategy and R&D at IAI, said, “Every year, IAI invests hundreds of millions of shekels in in-house R&D. Throughout IAI’s history, these massive investments (USD 900 million in 2019) yielded countless breakthrough systems. Our accelerator program is unique in the mutually-beneficial collaborations it offers by exposing the start-ups to innovative technologies while accelerating the development, engineering, and time-to-market. The participating start-ups will be able to use the accelerator as a springboard to validate their ideas with a robust support system.”

Founded in early 2020, IAI Innovation Centre successfully completed its first class of startups and is currently amidst its second class. The accelerator focuses on pre-seed startups that are developing innovative technological solutions. The Innovation Centre is a large part of the in-house investment on R&D for IAI and also collaborates with Starburst, the international accelerator focused on aerospace technologies.