
EPIC Fuels’ ‘Reach for the Sky, We’ve Got the Ground’ campaign kicks off

The campaign is called Reach for the Sky, We’ve Got the Ground campaign.
The goal of this campaign is to inspire FBO partners and their customers to achieve at the highest levels

22 August 2020: EPIC Fuels has launched a unique campaign to give passengers, crew, pilots and FBO staff the absolute safest experience while traveling by air. The campaign is called Reach for the Sky, We’ve Got the Ground campaign. The campaign kicks off with EPIC’s coast-to-coast Reach Tour, featuring world-class aerobatics pilot and competitor Anthony Oshinuga. He will be making appearances and fuel stops at 44 FBOs from August 17 through September 3. The tour covers 6,000 nautical miles in 18 days. The tour consists of appearances at EPIC Fuels-branded FBOs and Signature Select FBOs, all part of Signature Aviation.

“FBOs have communicated great enthusiasm for this campaign,” said Marius Ronge, President, EPIC Fuels and Signature Select. “We all need encouragement right now, and this is our way of supporting our FBO partners, reminding businesses that these FBOs have been open all along, providing services essential to growth and our nation’s economic health. We are suggesting that with safety protocols in place, business and general aviation aircraft can safely return to the skies.”

The goal of this campaign is to inspire FBO partners and their customers to achieve at the highest levels, knowing EPIC Fuels will be there, providing a solid foundation of partnership and support through its trusted people, products and services.

EPIC Fuels has partnered with Oshinuga to promote EPIC Fuels and general aviation. Oshinuga will conduct touch-and-goes with smoke at multiple locations with his custom Pitts Special S-1S single-seat biplane. The main draw is the man himself. The Nigerian-born aviation enthusiast uses his humble beginnings to encourage others to achieve their dreams by leveraging the sky. Oshinuga made history in 2015 at the Reno Air Race National Championship by becoming the first African American rookie pilot to hold the first-place position after his third heat, which led to a second-place win. Today he shares his passion for flight with everyone he meets.

“I grew up poor in California, and locating funds to fuel my passion for flying was an early challenge,” says Oshinuga. “I later discovered that passion was the fuel I needed. My partnership with EPIC Fuels gives me a platform to serve as an ambassador for an industry that is more than an essential service. It is integral to our economy.”

Oshinuga will present special COVID-related care packages at each tour stop as a special thank you and acknowledgement of the FBOs’ role in supporting both their customers and the industry. The symbolic packages contain EPIC-branded masks, hand sanitizers and mugs. They demonstrate and remind the FBOs that EPIC Fuels has their backs.

The Reach Tour kicks off in San Diego, CA, then loops around the nation through EPIC-partnered FBOs in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon and back to California. Due to the pandemic, event attendance will be limited to a small number of invited guests and media.