
EngineStands24 stands true to the promise of total care of engine stands

EngineStands24 has recently upgraded the engine stands tracking system by adding new tracking devices to the current stand pool.
With the newly added tracking system, our customers will receive valuable information on its storage, vibrations when the engine on the stand is en-route and other features, which all adds to the customer's convenience

18 November 2020: EngineStands24 has recently upgraded the engine stands tracking system by adding new tracking devices to the current stand pool. This new device adds to the convenience to the customers as it does allow to track the engine stand real-time, including when it is stored and transported. It also allows checking the temperature of the place where it is stored. Dedicated tracking platform is planned to be added to the website, where customers will be able to track the engine during the entire loan period.

“The engine stands are yet slightly under-rated  until they are needed. And when such need occurs, it is quite often the AOG case, thus knowing the location of the engine stand can be vital in terms of planning the engine transfer and maintenance as it allows predicting the time of the delivery. In addition, with the newly added tracking system, our customers will receive valuable information on its storage, vibrations when the engine on the stand is en-route and other features, which all adds to the customer’s convenience,” said Daiva Zemaite, Head of EngineStands24.

The new tracking system is implemented to the entire stands pool, including the recently purchased PW4000-94 engine stands for B747 and B767 aircraft as well as Trent 700 engine stands for A330. EngineStands24 is a subsidiary of a global provider of Total Technical Care for aircraft operators and lessors and Magnetic MRO.