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Embraer to set up in Silicon Valley, with sights on disruptive innovation

Embraer announced that it is forming innovation teams in Silicon Valley and Boston, US to explore business opportunities in the future of air transportation, in association with startups, investors, academia, and corporations enabling new business models and technologies. Operations will begin this month.

The company has decided to boost innovation on a large scale through a Global Business Center, which is being established in Melbourne, Florida. The American city already houses an industrial, engineering and service unit, connecting directly to the United States’ advanced innovation outposts. Additionally, it will be connected to and directly participate with the company’s engineering departments, in São José dos Campos, Brazil.

Antonio Campello, who is the present director of Corporate Innovation, will lead the initiative. Campello will report directly to Embraer’s CEO. He has great experience with leadership roles in engineering, technology and business development, industrial integration and corporate strategy departments.

“A major transformation is unfolding worldwide, and it has been accelerated by the evolution of artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, and autonomous vehicles, immensely contributing to millions of people’s lives. This is yet another step that Embraer takes as a key player in transforming global air transportation,” says Campello.

“We want to integrate with the Silicon Valley and Boston communities, and create value for transporting people and cargo through the world’s largest innovative ecosystems. We also remain attentive to other important poles of technological and innovation development, and to attractive new business models throughout the world, which bring value to the company,” said Paulo Cesar Silva, president and CEO of Embraer. “Embraer has excelled in its journey thus far because of our capacity to innovate in products, processes, systems, and technology.”

Annually, Embraer invests nearly 10% of its revenues in research, development, innovation and enhancement of its industrial facilities. Almost half of the company’s income comes from innovations or significant developments implemented over the last 5 years. Throughout Brazil, Embraer takes part in innovative actions such as the Aerospace Participation Investment Fund, which aims to support the national supply chain for the aerospace, defense and security sectors.