Executives in Focus

Eddie Chan appointed as Business Development Manager at B&H Asia

Since 2014 he has been based in Singapore where he has gained extensive experience of the Asian aviation industry
The aviation logistics market is fast moving and dynamic across the South East Asian region and B&H is delighted to welcome Eddie’s to the team

Eddie will work closely alongside B&H’s Singapore-based BDM, Chris Allen to develop sales opportunities throughout Asia.

17 March 2021: B&H Worldwide recently appointed Eddie Chan as the Business Development Manager in Asia as a part of their expanding leadership team. Eddie has over 15 years of experience in international aviation logistics business. He will be based in B&H facility in Hong Kong. Chan will report to Group Head of Sales, Michael Haskins.

Commenting on the appointment, Michael Haskins said, “The aviation logistics market is fast moving and dynamic across the South East Asian region and we are delighted to welcome someone of Eddie’s caliber to our team there to support B&H’s further growth and development.”

Originally from New Jersey in the US, Chan moved to Hong Kong in 1995 where he worked for MNX. Since 2014 he has been based in Singapore where he has gained extensive experience of the Asian aviation industry.  He will work closely alongside B&H’s Singapore-based BDM, Chris Allen to develop sales opportunities throughout Asia.