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EASA studies show no harmful effects on cabin air quality

EASA publishes two studies it specially made with the goal to gain enhanced scientific knowledge about cabin air quality on board large aeroplanes operated for commercial air transport.

Study 1: Cabin air quality (CAQ) measurement campaign – study conducted by a consortium of the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine and the Hannover Medical School.

In-flight measurements have been conducted numerous commercial flights after defining sufficient and consistent air contaminants measurement methods for cockpit and passenger cabin areas.

The results show that the cabin/cockpit air quality is similar or better than the indoor environments (offices, schools, kinder gardens or dwellings). No occupational exposure limits and guidelines were exceeded.

In total, 69 measurement flights were performed between July 2015 and June 2016 on 8 types of aeroplane/engine configurations. This included 61 flights on aeroplanes set with engine bleed air systems, and 8 flights on Boeing 787 which is equipped with electrical compressors (‘bleed free’ system). For all flights, measurement equipment was installed in the cockpit and in the cabin. Special attention was paid to organophosphates, in particular, Tri Cresyl Phosphates (TCP) with the use of high sensitivity analysis techniques.

Study 2: Characterisation of the toxicity of aviation turbine engine oils after pyrolysis – study conducted by a consortium of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.

This study characterised the chemical composition of some transport aeroplane turbine engine oils, and the toxic effects of the chemical compounds that can be released in the cabin or cockpit air.

This study showed that neuroactive products are present, but their concentration in the presence of an intact lung barrier is too low to be a major concern for neuronal function. TCP was present in the analysed oils, however, no ortho-isomers could be traced. Finally, the analysis of the human sensitivity variability factor showed that the whole metabolic pathway and the contribution of inter-individual variability in the metabolic enzymes is still largely mysterious for the majority of industrial chemicals, including cabin air contaminants. Two brands of oil were used in this study, and both new and used oil samples were analysed.

Further research has started in a European Commission (EC) study, with technical support from EASA. It will take into account the results and recommendations from both the EASA studies to develop a complete understanding of the cockpit and cabin air quality. Research and scientific reviews performed over the past decades have shown that a causal link between exposure to cabin/cockpit air contaminants and reported health symptoms is doubtful.